I'm having great difficulty setting up automation for an FX plugin (Native Instrument Guitar Rig 6) that, due to its nature, uses the same name for some of its automatable parameters.
After saving, closing, and re-opening the VEPro7 Server Project, the automation mapping seems to get confused.
I'm having some other issues with this particular FX plugin (see this post), so have decided to replicate this "same name" problem with an integrated plugin, Vienna Analyzer Pro (VAP). I'm currently using VEPro7 version 7.3.3725.
Set up a new VEPro7 Server Project and insert VAP in the first FX slot on the Master Bus.
Note that VAP has two automatable parameters named Bypass.
Assign a MIDI Controller to each of the Bypass parameters. I'm going to use CC21 and CC22.
Connect the VEPro7 Server Project to a DAW (I'm using Cubase), and set up a midi channel with CC21 and CC22 lanes.
Input some MIDI data into CC21 and CC22 and observe that the first Bypass parameter controls the bypassing of VAP on the Master Bus strip itself and the second Bypass parameter controls the internal bypassing function within VAP.
We observe the following behaviour. Note that on the Master Bus a bypassed plugin looks greyed out, whereas within VAP if bypassed the button will become orange.
Now disconnect the VEPro7 Server Project from the DAW, save everything, close everything, re-open everything, re-connect everything. This is what is observed.
It looks as though both MIDI Controllers are now affecting the bypass control on the strip itself.
This is consistent with the troubles I'm having with Guitar Rig 6.
My best guess is that VEPro7 is using the name of the automatable parameter to set up the automation mapping when a server is opened, which is not necessarily a unique identifier. This isn't a problem with almost all of the plugins I was investigating before writing this up, which tend to use unique names for (almost) all automatable parameters.
Unfortunately, I really need this to be fixed before I can do what I want to do with Guitar Rig 6. If anyone can think of a workaround then I would be delighted to hear it. Thank you. 😊