@Andreas-1 said:
Hi, I will be purchasing in the next few days and am looking forward to the new instruments!
2 questions:
Is there no extra discount this time for the owners of the VI Solo Strings (I have all VI solo Strings)?
Is it known when the instruments will also be supported by Noteperformer Playback Engines?
The discounts for VI series have always been available toward Synchron-ized instruments, but never so far as I am aware for Synchron instruments.
This makes sense because Synchron-ized instruments are not new samples, just VI samples reworked for the Synchron Player.
Synchron - Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime
Studio - Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir
Studio Dim - Brass, Strings
VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro
Cubase 14, Studio One 6, Dorico 5