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  • Unerträgliche Verzerrungen und enorme Peaks bei Great Rieger Organ

    Hallo liebe Forum-Mitglieder, ich bin nun auch stolzer Besitzer der Great Rieger Orgel inkl. des aktuellen Vienna Players und natürlich auch des VIENNA Keys. Nun habe ich folgendes Problem: Das Programm startet und ich kann die Orgel spielen. Allerdings sehr eingeschränkt. Drücke ich mehrere Tasten auf meinen angeschlossenen Tastaturen bei anspruchsvollen Registereinstellungen (bspw. Tutti), resp. die Töne verschlucken sich. Dabei entstehen auch unerträgliche Verzerrungen. Ich beobachte, dass beim Drücken der Tastaturtasten sterben vom Programm angezeigte Stimmenanzahl enorm ansteigt. Teilweise bis auf über 600. Die CPU-Auslastung wird mir dabei mit ca. 35 % angezeigt. Die Anzeige der Peaks (rot) erreicht dann teilweise 100%.

    Mein Equipment besteht aus:

    -          Windows 10 pro mit tagesaktuellem Update

    -          Mainboard ASRock 970 Extreme3 ​​R2.0

    -          CPU AMD FX - 8320 8 x 3,50 GHz

    -          16 GB Skill Sniper DDR3 Ram

    -          Laufwerk C: SSD Sandisk 256GB mit Betriebssystem WIN 10 Pro

    -          HDD Festplatte 1 TB 7200 U/min

    -          M-Audio audiophil 24/96

    Program wie Hauptwerk4, Cubase 10, NI Hammond B4, etc. laufen ohne Probleme und ohne den beschriebenen Effekt.

    Das Programm und die Library befinden sich bereits auf dem Laufwerk C, also auch auf dem schnellen SSD-Laufwerk.

    Welche Einstellungen muss ich im Vienna Player vornehmen, um dieses Symptom zu beseitigen? Oder ist mein Equipment nicht geeignet? Letzteres ist für mich schwer vorstellbar. Würde Great Rieger Orgel gerne behalten. Aber bei dieser Einschränkung sinkt der Spaßfaktor auf null. Würde mich freuen, wenn dies ein reines Einstellungsproblem wäre. Vielleicht hat jemand noch einen guten Tipp für mich. Danke vorab an alle, die mir helfen wollen!!! Mfg

  • Hi, 

    Thanks for posting (I'll stick to the forum language english). 

    That's quite an old setup, I must say... the CPU is from 2012, if I am seeing this correctly... and of course a spinning HDD makes it hard to keep up with the necessary streaming performance with many stops...

    The Great Rieger Organ is not designed to play tutti, with the implemented technology, and although this will work on the original organ, there is no real (musical) reason I can see to play the very soft stops in combination with all the other stops. 99 stops means a lot of streaming that is necessary, and you will at least want to use a SSD. 

    We are currently discussing a few changes that will change the basic setup, so please stay tuned for further updates. As I can see, you have purchase the Great Rieger Organ in our webshop, so you have a 14 day window to return your license - let's see what we can come up with, 

    I will keep you in the loop!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul,

    Thank you for the fast answer. Unfortunately you missed the fact that I already have an SSD for Great Rieger Organ (GRO) in use and not an HDD. This eliminates the problem of a slow HDD. The program and the library are already on drive C, i.e. also on the fast SSD drive. The fact that the CPU is already old and therefore not powerful enough for GRO is no reason for me. My CPU is absolutely sufficient in terms of performance. I think GRO is currently still a big resource hog and loads every other CPU so much that it leads to the symptoms I have described. There is a great video that shows that GRO should run even on a notebook with 16 GB and minimal RAM consumption. See

    from 1:14 by Fabio Amurri. Is this then just a fake or is this supposed to stir the advertising drum? I actually want to keep GRO and not give it back and I hope you can get this problem under control as well. I'm really looking forward to the expected program updates.

    Thank you for your dedication

    Best wishes


  • Hi Uwe, 

    Sorry that I missed the part about the SSD. That's better then. 

    We are currently working on a few performance improvements. 

    Let me ask you this: How many stops are you streaming on Hauptwerk? Also 99? That's a lot of voices, 

    Not sure which laptop Fabio is using, but my guess is that it's a recent Mac Book Pro. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul, thank you for your answer.

    In Hauptwerk 4 there are partially all stops , i.e. up to 70. In any case, I don't have any distortions or dropouts in Hauptwerk, as with GRO. I don't quite understand what you mean by voices. I see at GRO that the number of voices can go to over 600 or far more when several buttons are pressed. I don't quite understand, but it will be correct that way. What makes the distortions not only audible but also visible are the peaks colored in red. How do you define peaks? Are these audio overloads? Does this cause the distortion and dropouts? Please give me a few tips on how I can minimize this with the possible settings in GRO. I would be very grateful for that. I am sure that you are familiar with this problem and that you will soon have a solution that I am very much looking forward to. I wish you continued success. I like GRO very much. Except for this defect described. I still have one thing: The newly added register “Seventh 1 1/7” doesn't really work. Sometimes you can hear it, sometimes not. Problem is certainly also known. Many greetings from Uwe.

  • Hello Uwe, 

    Hauptwerk is not streaming from disk, but it is loading the whole sample into RAM. The overload is a mixture of your CPU capacities (streaming and processing the samples) and your drive-speed in combination with your audio buffer size. It will get better if you: 

    - increase your audio buffer size
    - increase the PRELOAD size in your Vienna Organ Player SETTINGS => DATABASE
    - play less stops at the same time

    I have not heard about the inaudible new stop... Is there a way to reproduce this? Are you maybe loading older presets?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul,

    thank you for your tireless efforts.

    I have already increased the audio buffer size on a trial basis. Seems to work, I can definitely still make friends with. The effect I described is still there, however. Maybe you still have the opportunity to improve something here. I don't want to buy another computer system at the moment, because the other music programs all run wonderfully and without problems.

    There is already a contribution to the problem of Sept. 11_7 that also applies to me. Enter seventh as a search term.

    Under “1. FREE UPDATE: Large Rieger Organ NOW available! 06/30/2021 20:18:34 "the post will also appear. The GRO swell is on midi channel 3 for me. When selecting channel 3, the seventh does not sound. Only when I go to midi channel 4 does the register sound. Maybe that's what you wanted? I can't imagine. Give it a try. Only select the seventh 11_7 for Schwellwerk and then control the midi channels. Up to channel 3: nothing. With channel 4: quietly audible. Nothing for channels 5, 6, etc. Problem should also arise with you. Maybe you have the solution for me. I'm looking forward to your answer. Many greetings Uwe

  • last edited
    last edited

    Hi Uwe,

    Please download and install the latest Vienna Organ Player, the bug with the additional stop should be fixed under all circumstances now.

    Changelog can be found here.

    Does that help?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • "Hello Paul, I downloaded and reinstalled the organ player. The problem persists, as described. Am I doing something wrong? Best Regards Uwe

  • Hi Uwe, 

    I don't know what exactly you are doing, so it's hard to say if you are doing something wrong.

    Please send some screenshots and maybe even your sequencer project to my collagues at, so we can take a closer look. The more information you can provide, the better.

    They speak german as well ;-)


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hallo Paul, die Septime 11_7 wird nicht dem Schwell, sondern dem Solowerk zugeordnet. Soll dies stimmen, stimmt die visuelle Zuordnung im Vienna Player nicht. Ich habe ein paar Bilder angehängt. Gleichzeitig kontaktiere ich auch den VSL-Support. Viele Grüße Uwe

  • Addition from June 17, 2021:

    Hello Paul,

    I received a satisfactory answer to my problem from vsl support. Correction is in progress. I'm looking forward to the result. Thank you again for your tireless efforts. Many greetings Uwe