Dear VSL Friends -
Could you estimate the FTE hours required to make Dorico 3.5 maps for key instruments where it matters 'most', i.e., where verisimilitude most requires the ability to carefully trigger from numerous articulations?
(FTE=Full Time Equivalent).
Maybe you could organize a distributed, paid effort for this talented community to get paid to contribute high-quality maps? Crowd-source it, essentially. Already there is an effort underway (thanks to many talented, generous people) but perhaps some leadership/technical guidance from VSL could make it even better, get it done faster, and save your team from the distraction when you could be making new libraries instead?
Here's how it would work: Folks donate (I will personally kick in $1,000 for starters) to a 'goal' (specific goal, such as a specific instrument? or to a 'general fund'?) Tasks are put up on 'Upwork' by VSL (say, 'EM's for Synchron Violins, the full instrument) with a 'prize' for completion, and estimated FTE-hours to get it done, based on your experience. Someone in the community agrees to do it right, vetted by VSL, but paid for by donations. They are awarded the contract (people could collaborate, too, Upwork supports this). When they finish, you trigger the milestone and they get paid. Folks in the community who are good at this could also bid to complete the project for a given amount. Again, when the maps are made to VSL's/the community's satisfaction, VSL (who controls the Upwork account) triggers the milestone, and the community member gets paid.
What do you think? I will put (some of) my money where my mouth is. Anyone else?
All the best,