I am running into a weird problem with VIPro and it must be something I'm doing wrong, but I just want to make sure that is the case, learn why, or if perhaps this is a problem in ViPro.
Basically for this example, I am working with one of the example MIDI files from VSL music demo site, specifically , the E.T. Score that was mocked up by Jay Bacal some years ago.
So take the first Horn part, called "Horn Essemble 8A", from that project, Its using a custom ViPro Preset, which I have attached to this post. At bar 125, a lot of notes start cutting out a lot on that track. I couldn't figure out why.
When I open ViPro to have a look, I eventually found that the Repetition Threshold on the legato patch was set to 200ms, which I guess shouldn't really be a problem, but when I set it to 50ms, it stops cutting out notes. But why did this even matter? The patch being used for that Legato cell is "01 HO-8_perf-legato".
When I play the instrument from the midi keyboard, I find that fast repetitions are cutting out. If I pause 200ms, nothing cuts out. Furthermore, I don't see the repetitons indicator advancing through the 2nd and 3rd reps as I would have expected them to. It plays the first note, then any fast repeititions are not heard at all until I pause 200ms to wait for the first one again.
That seems like it must be a bug in either ViPro or the instrument configuration in some way, but maybe there is something about this ViPro preset that I don't understand that I need to change in this case?
to add to the wierdness, the particular part that is having notes cut out, is not even having any repeated notes in the phrase...so something about the repetition engine is causing it to cut out...even though there aren't even any repeated notes. That makes me wonder if somehow it doesn't always start out on the first repetition...and in this case because there is something wrong with repetition 2 and 3, the notes are cutting out. I don't know.. weird and I don't understand it.
Any ideas?
HornU0020EnsembleU00208A.vipreset.zip-1696283993690-piaz3.zip AdventuresU0020onU0020EarthU0020-U0020JohnU0020WilliamsU0020-U002010_1_09.mid.zip-1696283993690-f3bqn.zip