I have a brand new 32" 4k monitor, a very good one. nothing wrong with it. I'll just use 100%, thanks. It does look much better and sharper then before, but I was hoping we could zoom a bit. The 100% size is not unusable and its indeed much more clear then before also.
Some feedback....
200% is not really usable unless you're running your monitor at 4k native resolution, which most people with 4K monitors do not, especially Retina/HiDPI. I am running mine at 3008x1692 HiDpi and 200% takes up 75% of the screen. I'm sure sooner or later I will zoom in briefly to adjust something, so it will be useful, but like I said, more ideally would be somewhere around 120% of the current 100%.
Everyone is a little bit different in how they run their monitors, but I feel that few people are running their 4k or 5k monitors at native resolution. There is a certain PPI (Pixels per inch) around 108 I believe that is generally considering the right size for typiucal desktop usage with your eyes around 2 feet from the screen. At that PPI from 18-24 inches most people would say the size of everything on the desktop, the font sizes, etc..looks "normal". If you go higher then that PPI then everything looks a bit too small and lower values result in everything too big. (unless you plan to sit further away). Note that is PPI of the virtual resolution, not the actual hardware native resolution. The PPI of the native resolution is much higher then that with 4k, except for perhaps a 43" monitor.
For a 32" monitor that calculation works out to around 3008x1692. In HiDPI mode, that means it is NOT doubling the size of everything as is the case with the default Retina mode. If you are using a 5k Retina monitor in the default resolution, then what you see is probably bigger then what I see. There are many variables surrounding all of this and everyone has to find the happy medium, but honestly I have found that around 3008x1692 is the right resolution for a 32" monitor, and using HiDPI mode it looks better then without using it. Native resolution is really not usable in a 32" inch or 27 inch monitor.. So very few people would ever do that. But if they do, that is when that 200% mode might be useful of course, bnut I think most people generally are not using native resolution unless they have a 40+ inch monitor.
I understand about scaling issues though and if VIPro is using bitmaps then it means you either have to include more bitmaps in the binary or something else in order to allow more scaling options, but anyway, I digress, thanks for updating it at all, it is definitely an improvement.
I'm curious also, I noticed that VePro also got an update with mentions about HiDPI. What area of VePro would we expect to see a difference?