Otherwise known as "The Transposition Trick."
It's in the options tab and this is straight out of the VI (not Pro) manuel, page 35 I think.
"Pitch Range Click-drag to set the master pitch bend range (as controlled by the Perform tab > Pitch Bend slider)."
So set it to a semitone then just push the fader up or down. Although In my experience a whole tone worked better for some reason.
Still having trouble geteting this to work. In order to set the pitch bend "range" I had to go into options tab and set the pitch bend to 100 cents. Fine so far, but when I try to actually move the pitch bend slider to the bottom, it springs back to zero when i release the mouse button. I have already tried to diassociate the pitch bend from the actual PB controller...but it still springs back to zero.
what am I missing?