And again, I dont understand why you guys are all upset. Do you know how many times over I have paid for Cubase? Its $150 yearly ($100 for the end of year upgrade and $50 for the mid-year upgrade). Having had a license for Cubase for several years now, I have paid once for Cubase Pro initially ($600), and in the four years Ive had the license, another $600.
Just for comparison, VEP6, in case anyone forgot, was released in late 2016.
Maybe you dont need epic orchestra, and I do completely agree, it is disengenuous for VSL to say you are getting it for free. You arent, you are paying a 30 Euro premium for epic orchestra. However, let me get this straight, you are complaining because the purchase price is 30 Euros higher for the first license? Put this in perspective, how many thousands of dollars have you spent on hardware and software? How much of it turned out to be for something you dont ever use? 30 Euros is the least of my concerns honestly.
As was previously stated, this is VSL pushing people to use Synchron. Personally, I hate the layout. I despise it. I think it was a piss poor decision to split their userbase into two groups. Their sounds should be compatible with both engines, allowing users of a more modern UI to use Synchron, while allowing those that like the look and feel of VI to use Instruments Pro. I have plenty of critiques for VSL, Im no fanboy by any stretch.
However, I see no issue with what VSL is doing here, other than forcing users who wish to upgrade to VEP7 to pay extra for EO. However, its only $30 Euros, and I am a bit biased, I love the epic orchestra 2.0 library, even if it is in the terrible Synchron player ui. Considering I have very few libraries that are any good for sketching (my libraries are all hundreds of gigabytes, thus, by the time they load, Ive taken the dog for a walk, taken a shower, and brushed my teeth), EO in combination with Smart Orchestra are alot of fun.
Oh, and as to my comments about free addons, what the heck is wrong with free addons? You dont have to use them.
Well then of course you should give them your money. I will not be giving them mine this time.
$500 in one year for VEP is way too much. sorry.