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  • Hi Paolo,

    in case you haven’t seen this:

    This sounds like what you are looking for … and much more.



  • Thank you very much, everybody, for the precious hints!

    @Kai: Articulate Preset is a fantastic idea and realization, but has two problems: it still relies on CC1 for articulation selection, and is limited to the Cube. I want to use CC1 for X-Velocity, and want to include all the instruments I have (the Super Package).

    @TFIS: Good news, being able to only transpose the notes and note the keyswitches!

    @SonicSonar: Yes, Flute and Clarinet will be my starting point for woodwinds.

    The AB Switch: I had totally forgotten it, thinking it was the same as the Slot selection. It is not, since these are alternative samples included in some patches. So, I wonder if I should continue to rely on keyswitches, maybe moving the AB Switch to an extremely high pitch, or change my strategy, and use something different, like PC+Ksw+Velocity.

    Maybe I should not limit my map to a 12 (matrices) x 12 (columns) set, but let the matricx count go over 12 matrices, to also include in my universal preset all the dynamics, runs, arpeggios, trills, grace notes and upbeats. If so, using something different than Ksw+Ksw should be considered.

    Back to the drawing table…


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    This is the method I use.  It uses the matrices as patches (switched with program change)

    I hope VSL will at some point, implement a scrolling articulation list in Synchron Player that functions much like the matrix list in VIPRO.  For those of us who use this method.

    @Kai said:

    Hi Paolo,

    in case you haven’t seen this:

    This sounds like what you are looking for … and much more.



  • Note to myself: I could use multirow matrices to collect recorded dynamics, trills, repetitions, and other types of articulation available in many variants. For this I would need a fourth selection message. Logic only allows for three messsges. Maybe I can use Keyswitch Velocities as the Y-Axis selector. So, I would have to use: - Keyswitch 1 to select a matrix - Keyswitch 2 to select a column (X-Axis) - Keyswitch 2 Velocity (or Speed) to select a row (Y-Axis) - CC20 to select a Slot inside the selected cell - Maybe Keyswitch 2 Velocity, again, as the AB Switch (unless I decide to use a higher-pitched Keyswitch or a CC to be inserted manually in the sequence). Paolo

  • Paolo,

    Articulate Presets follow the standard VSL-convention, where velocity Xfade is controlled by CC2. If you want to control it with your modwheel, simply have your modwheel send CC2 (I did it for the modwheel on my second keyboard, and this can easily be done somewhere in the settings).

    Articulation selection is in Articulate Presets actually done via program change messages. CC1 generally acts as one of three continuous controllers that let you e.g. simultaneously shape the attack behavior, vibrato intensity, section size, … . 

    Yes, Articulate Presets don’t cover the entire super package, yet (the list is growing, though). Anyway, if you want to create fancy presets for the entire super package from scratch you should allow a lot of extra time :-).



    The advantage of Articulate Presets is not merely that they use program change messages: the different matrices do not consist of single patches, but offer far more realtime control by continuously blending many individual patches.

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    @Another User said:

    if you want to create fancy presets for the entire super package from scratch you should allow a lot of extra time

    My hope is that the search and replace trick explained elsewhere by Herb would make creating the various presets as quick as possible. Not tried, yet.


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    @PaoloT said:

    - Keyswitch 1 to select a matrix (starting from the lowest MIDI note)
    - Keyswitch 1 Velocity to select a column (X-Axis)
    - CC20 to select a slot inside the selected cell
    - Keyswitch 2 (MIDI Notes G#0/A0) as the AB Switch

    Dang! I forgot a message to select the Y-axis, in case I don't want it to be done only via playing speed, but also as a deliberate command. It could be something like CC00 (Bank Select MSB), CC03 (Undefined after Bank Select), 04 (Foot Controller) or 32 (Bank Select LSB).

    In any case, here we are again with more than three messages for bundle. At this point, maybe a bundle could be:

    - Keyswitch 1 to select a matrix (starting from the lowest MIDI note)
    - Keyswitch 1 Velocity to select a column (X-Axis)
    - CC03 (or Speed) to select a row/variation (Y-Axis)
    - CC20 to select a slot inside the selected cell

    A Keyswitch 2 (MIDI Notes G#0/A0) could be inserted manually as the AB Switch. Of the messages needed, maybe this one is the least likely to occur, so not having it in the message bundle could still work.

    For most cases, a single Keyswitch and its Velocity value should be enough to select an articulation. In this view, maybe I should plan to split Legato and Portamento (being even this latter a quite common articulation), as VSL did with their Strings Expression Map.


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    @PaoloT said:

    - Keyswitch 1 to select a matrix (starting from the lowest MIDI note)
    - Keyswitch 1 Velocity to select a column (X-Axis)
    - CC03 (or Speed) to select a row/variation (Y-Axis)
    - CC20 to select a slot inside the selected cell

    Sigh, it can't be done. A Keyswitch Velocity selector needs a Keyswitch on the other axis. So, either I use another Keyswitch for matrices, or a PC message for it. No CC is allowed for matrices. An hypotesis:

    - PC to select a matrix
    - Keyswitch 1 to select a column (X-Axis)
    - Keyswitch 1 Velocity (or Speed) to select a row/variation (Y-Axis)
    - CC20 to select a slot inside the selected cell

    A Keyswitch 2 (MIDI Notes G#0/A0), inserted manually, as the AB Switch.


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    @TFIS said:

    the position of the keyswitches won't be affected.

    This is another reason why one can't easily adapt the existing VIPRO presets to Logic. The keyswitches to select matrices for Cellos start from C6. Cleverly, keyswitches for Basses where placed starting from C5, so if you play the Basses one octave higher, as in a written score, you get the (written) keyswitches on the same C6 as the Cellos.

    But this doesn't work with Logic, due to keyswitches not being transposed, so you would need separate Articulation Maps for Cellis and Basses.


  • Following your suggestions and further considerations, I remade my universal VSL articulation table. The bundle of messages to select an articulation will be

    1) Program Change (matrix)
    2a) Keyswitch Notes 0-11 (X-axis)
    2b) Keyswitch Velocity (Y-axis); this will be alternated with playing speed

    A manually inserted keyswitch will be the AB Switch, and a manually inserted CC20 will control xfade between slots a/b inside a cell.

    Program Changes will be used to select matrices inside a program. The use of PCs, not overlapping playable notes, will not limit me to 12 matrices. I will therefore be able to leave each matrix be specialized on a particular type of sound production (staccato, sustain, tremolo, pre-recorded repetitions with dynamics…).

    A first Keyswitch will only use the lowest MIDI octave, a range out of any instrument's range. This will select a column in the X-axis. Columns are made up of a first group of four controlling vibrato (vib, n.v., molto, progr); a second group with alternatively increasing/decreasing strenght (deep/pont, light/tasto, deeper/harsh, lighter/harmonics, even deeper/blast, even lighter/feathered), a column for accessory articulations (sfx), a last column for a preferred articulation in the row (for example, sus vib for flutes, n.v. for clarinets).

    The Keyswitch Velocity will select the Y-axis, containing variations to the base one (like different trill intervals, dynamic durations). As an alternative, other matrices will use playing speed (for example, for automatically alternating between staccato and spiccato, or long/med/short portatos).

    While I would have a third message available in Logic's bundle, I would prefer to leave selection of the AB Switch (crec/dim, up/down) to a manual control. However, since notation programs can send messages for dynamics, the AB Switch could be the third message in the bundle.

    Selection of the a/b slot inside a cell will be manually controlled with a CC20 message, xfading between the slots (for vib/n.v., tasto-->normal, etc.).

    This schema should cover all the wind and strings instruments.

