The 2 big Woodwinds would be the Clarinet Bb and Flute 1. Start there. Do you want the top default matrix to be sustain or legato?
Don't forget the Desc and Cres keys -> usually the A0, B0
My current set up ( I am always changing).
1. Sus ( Vibrato, no vibrato, Vprogressive,Perf sustain legato, row2:pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff, )
2. Staccato ( usually only one here and Perf Rep has the other staccato)
3. legato ( legato, marcato, legatoGrace.....(Speed)fast legato, fast marcato)
4. fp (sfz, sffz, fp, pfp, fpf)
5. dyn (dyL1, dyM3, dyS2.......)
6. portato (small, Med, long, Vib, NoVib)
7. Trill flatter ( all thrill and Perf trill, flatter, cluster, flatterdyn.....)
8. Perf Rep (rep legato, rep pos, rep stac, perf rep dyn 4,.......... This can get quite big. See clarinet Bb)
9. Grace ( if they have them, there is going to be 12)
10. fast rep (r120,r130........r210)
11. cres dim (monster of a grid) I would love to learn how to use it.
12 Gliss, Mordent or whatever is left.
Some woodwinds don't have Grace, most don't have mordents. I did not do ALL articulations like Scale runs and Arpeggios.
Tell us how it all worked out. Good luck