I do have the Superpackage which means simply everything for VI.
1) For the standard Library "Synchron Dimension Brass I" whcih is also called "synchronized Dimension Brass I" meanwhile it is announced on the same page there is no upgrade Prize displayed for me at all . Even when I am logged in. (Obviously something does not work as it should)
While there is an upgrade for me from standard to the obviously new Full VI Dimension Brass. "€ 195"
2) While for the standard "Synchron Dimension Brass II" whcih is also called "synchronized Dimension Brass II"there is an upgrade prize displayed for me "€ 195"
There is also an upgrade for me from standard to the obviously new Full VI Dimension Brass. "€ 195"
3) While I do have all other Synchron-Libraries, and the new Synchron(-nized) are presented in their Productpage as part of the Synchron Package, there is no Synchron-Package-Price for me which respects the products I already have and give me the package price of what I need to complete the package.
But there is an upgrade for me for the VI-Full-Superpackage "€ 273"
There is for each synchro-nized Dimension Brass an upgreade-Price for 35€ for Owners of the extended Library announced, what would make
€343 without any further Synchron Package reduction, when one buys the synchronized Dim-Brass I+II after completing the VI-Superpackage , what nevertheless ignores that owners of all other Libraries of a package should expect their 20% rebate, as the VI-Siperpackage-Owners get their rebate from the first Moment on. , what would make 55€ instead of 70€ (2x35€) together with the completion of the VI Superpackage 328€.
To sum up it seems to me that there are stil some at least irritating inconsistencies, for which a "work around" might be to complete the VI-Super-Package before upgrading to synchronized Brass I+II,
While again the price policy does not seem to respect the exsiting owners of all other Synchron-Package-Libraries since they do not have any notable "Introductory Upgrade reduction" at all, (exactly 2 €!) if the Products will be not included in the Superpackage-Pricereduction not befor the Releas-rebates are out.
Just a few suggestion:
a) Correct inconsistencies in the Prices displayed for registered Users
b) Include Superpackage Products in the Superpackage without any delay
c) Offer a VSL-Superpackage incloding both Product lines just to make sure, that your most loyal users are respected and treated as the most loyal user they are..