Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Veola said:

    I just cannot understand how people can say there is nothing wrong with this lib? Don't you compare to other libs or listen to recordings? Don't you want something new, improved or groundbreaking from a new lib?

    @fahl5, I know that people can get lost in the programming and forget to use their ears and emotions to judge the whole piece. No offence, but you seem a bit like this, pushing as a many pieces through as possible.

    Guy Bacos got some demos on the product page, BUT the ones that sound acceptable are the ones layered with other instruments. Its basically covering up the problems of the lib.

    The Bee  (Not layered)


    This is very nice Guy - the violin shorts work very well for this. Still in a real recording, there would be more intonation "problems" in the attacks, which would add more life and realism. They are too spot on. But the clarity is really amazing. On cellos and basses there is quite a bit of a machine gun effect going on. Probably because every recording is so "perfect". But it is not an easy thing to pull off by any library.

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    @Another User said:

    One can easily express himself without sounding arrogant.

    But obviously as many very passionate postings poor in arguemnts demonstrates:

    It is again much easier to become personal insinuative, and slam someone who has just another opinion as "arrogant" and with "+1" and likewise completly meaninghless argunmentfree and substanceless comments , than to seriously answer concrete arguments. with concrete arguements as I have done.

    Neither Simon nor Pixelpoet answered on any argument. That is sad, because it make their criticism appear being more or less emotion, without any concret intention to really improve anything at all.

    Again I am very very interested to hear from someone who complains here at least one exsample where he just shows with concrete "results" how any of the nearly 20 peices I posted here made with Synchron Strings would be made any better with any other Library.

    I don't have time to do a massive mockup like yours, but you should only have to look around on the different library producers websites and listen to demos. If you can't hear that a lot of that sounds way more realistic than what you have pulled off... well, then I don't think we'll get anywhere anyway.

  • Okay, even though this is a discussion on "how to improve" and I did refrain to voice my opinion because of some really hostility here (and on the "other forum") but here it is:


    First of all I have the hope that the all the discussion and even the anger towards other members is simply due to the fact that everyone just wants the best and get the most out of the product which seemed to be so great. (I still get excited by the marketing text and promises that were made by VSL, well somehow...)
    There is a lot of passion involved.

    I did pre-order SyS. I still somehow trust VSL as I love their products (even some parts of Sys Strings I ) and was always very happy with their support.
    Even tough I could be bashed for also saying it: I am dissappointed by Synchron Strings I but I still have high hopes (maybe because I have to and dont want to move on by selling it and going with another company. Also I am not sure anyone would buy it except for 50% off as the reputation of the product and VSL as a whole seems by reading this forum and "the other forum" to have suffered a lot. Thats just an observation)


    Back to improvement:

    Yes, I used Sys a lot, i mean Really a lot, even in "real" projects, both with VIP and Synchron Player. Yes, one gets better results with spending time on working with them... still there are a lot flaws and there is a lot of effort needed from the user (which is okay, but a lot of times it feels like fixing not polishing)

    It is really hard to suggest what could be improved, especially with VSL not participating in discussing the topic and not knowing what Can be improved/they are willing to do. (It would suck to spend even more money for a second edition, and no - for now i wont buy SyS Chamber) - So lets mix suggestions with wishlist:

    - If the legato samples cant be improved / more added, I hope that some additional programming/scripting can help the functionality of the legato. Right now - no matter what anyone here has tried - the legato is subtle. Most of us hoped for more options especially at this price point. Maybe adding a time stretched folder could also help?

    - I sometimes hear strange background noise in some samples. Maybe the samples could be reworked?

    - The violins are indeed very piercing if not handled correct (which means corrected). Using the built-in mic eq or the Vienna Suite did help, but still it is strange that the whole ensemble somehow doesnt seem to be that well balanced as it seemed. 

    - Yes, the sound and behaviour is not very expressive and lively, but it seems like this is on purpose and this kind of sound Has its purpose. Layering and lots of CC riding did help when I wanted more emotive string sound.

    - Yes, the shorts are great - We all hear that. The Sfz is okay, but I still dont get my head around about that whole stacked approach.

    - Synchron Player is a ongoing process of development, I get it. Still: Please integrate more features that VIP already had, humanization being one thing.

    - I dont like that we dont get real statements from VSL which means not knowing where we are heading at or what their views are. Especially after the debacle of communication the post-poned proper release was. 


    I am still trying to improve my workflow and approach with using Synchron Strings I as I still need to put in a lot of effort into working with them for even making them sound allright.


    There are a lot of of positive things about this library, but a lot of bad things - Every library has its flaws, we get it.

    VSL set the bar really high with their previous products, legacy and with their marketing. 

    I know I am there are a lot of things that were already said, but lets hope for the best : )))

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    @Simon Ravn said:

    The Bee  (Not layered)

    This is very nice Guy - the violin shorts work very well for this. Still in a real recording, there would be more intonation "problems" in the attacks, which would add more life and realism. They are too spot on. But the clarity is really amazing. On cellos and basses there is quite a bit of a machine gun effect going on. Probably because every recording is so "perfect". But it is not an easy thing to pull off by any library.

    Sure, it could be looser here and there, and with less preciness on the tuning. Maybe an alternative version with the addition of synchron chamber strings might be good. This way, you could appreciate the excellent clarity of synchron strings while having some leeway with other aspects. 

  • I listened to this on a good monitor system and it sounded perfect, and there was no machine gun effect whatsoever.  The issue of it being too perfect didn't strike me at all, and I am a maniac for imprecise timing. 
    But maybe I was distracted by the great composition.  That tends to happen with Guy's pieces even though they are the best "demos" (the word doesn't really do them justice!)

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    @Another User said:

    It is really hard to suggest what could be improved, especially with VSL not participating in discussing the topic and not knowing what Can be improved.

    I think it would be not that hard. You cant and must not do the job of the product development. Imho all what helps is, if you (as you already did in your detaild posting) try to describe as concrete as possible, your problem. And Yes I still believe it might help to share your "results", what still helps to make more understandable, what excactly you wnat to be improved.
    I would only criticise those who more or less avoid to become concrete and to refer to concrete resutls and precise defined concrete problems. As long statements just remain completly general, no one can really work on that in any way. In so far I think your posting belong to the most constructive postings here.👍

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    @fahl5 said:

    So do not try to debase in that way those, whose arguments you can not answer more seriously.👎


    Oh yes teacher!

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    @fahl5 said:

    So do not try to debase in that way those, whose arguments you can not answer more seriously.👎


    Oh yes teacher!

    Ok you exactly did the same thing again. This thread is not meant for your aggressive personal polemics but about how to improve the Synchron Strings.

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    @fahl5 said:

    So do not try to debase in that way those, whose arguments you can not answer more seriously.👎


    Oh yes teacher!

    Ok you exactly did the same thing again. This thread is not meant for your aggressive personal polemics but about how to improve the Synchron Strings.


    fahl5, ever heard of "projection"?

  • "This thread is not meant for your aggressive personal polemics but about how to improve the Synchron Strings." - fahl5

    This is incredible! I tried to be nice to this guy but he has gone off the deep end.  

    fahl5 - every single thing you ever write is arrogant, self-centered egotism.  You pretend to be talking about music, but every time you are posting here you disparage anyone who irritates you as "beginner" or an idiot.  

    You are utterly incapable of talking on an equal basis to Guy Bacos who OBLITERATES YOU as a MIDI programmer and musician.  You can't even come close.  And on top of that he is a great composer and YOU DON'T EVEN COMPOSE.     Stop acting like you are god's gift to music.  There are people here who are so far beyond you that you have no concept.  You are an amateur, right?  Does somebody pay you for that website you say is the greatest thing in sampling in your signature?  Do you get paid?  Guess what - the other people here do get paid, to create music.  They are professionals and you are an amateur with a big mouth.  

    I am saying this not as a typical internet over-the-top statement, but as a serious, simple statement of an obvious fact - you are mentally ill.  In your brain no one exists except as a tool for your ego.  You are in fact psychopathic, because that is the definition of "psychopath" - someone who doesn't essentially care about anyone else but who simply uses them for a self-centered purpose. That is you precisely.  I actually have never encountered anyone as disgustingly egotistical as you - on the internet or off.

    Now start with your sarcasm, long-winded endless diatribe against me, accompanied by stupid little emoticons and fractured, abuse-of-language sentences.  I don't give a rat's ass about you or your responses.  You are poison.


    VSL - I am sorry for this post and I won't write any more, but this guy is insulting everyone on this Forum on a regular basis.  

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    @William said:

    "This thread is not meant for your aggressive personal polemics but about how to improve the Synchron Strings." - fahl5

    This is incredible! I tried to be nice to this guy but he has gone off the deep end.  

    fahl5 - every single thing you ever write is arrogant, self-centered egotism.  You pretend to be talking about music, but every time you are posting here you disparage anyone who irritates you as "beginner" or an idiot.  

    You are utterly incapable of talking on an equal basis to Guy Bacos who OBLITERATES YOU as a MIDI programmer and musician.  You can't even come close.  And on top of that he is a great composer and YOU DON'T EVEN COMPOSE.     Stop acting like you are god's gift to music.  There are people here who are so far beyond you that you have no concept.  You are an amateur, right?  Does somebody pay you for that website you say is the greatest thing in sampling in your signature?  Do you get paid?  Guess what - the other people here do get paid, to create music.  They are professionals and you are an amateur with a big mouth.  

    I am saying this not as a typical internet over-the-top statement, but as a serious, simple statement of an obvious fact - you are mentally ill.  In your brain no one exists except as a tool for your ego.  You are in fact psychopathic, because that is the definition of "psychopath" - someone who doesn't essentially care about anyone else but who simply uses them for a self-centered purpose. That is you precisely.  I actually have never encountered anyone as disgustingly egotistical as you - on the internet or off.

    Now start with your sarcasm, long-winded endless diatribe against me, accompanied by stupid little emoticons and fractured, abuse-of-language sentences.  I don't give a rat's ass about you or your responses.  You are poison.


    VSL - I am sorry for this post and I won't write any more, but this guy is insulting everyone on this Forum on a regular basis.  

    I raise a pint to you, Bill.  Strongly worded, but absolutely necessary (after years of ongoing drama).  Thank you for having the courage to say this.  Now, hopefully, this ends the drama and we can begin a fresh chapter, where musicians and hobbyists encourage, educate, and empower each other to greater success.  Cheers to all those who share their talents and knowledge in a welcoming manner here on the VSL forum!

  • Tja, gestern noch der tolle Steffen. Und heute ist wieder alles anders. Denn heute fällt wieder mal auf ... du bist ja kein „echter Komponist“ ... etc. bla, bla Du kannst hier noch so tolle Lieder posten, das wird sich nicht ändern. Die letzten 3 R. Fuchs Stücke sind ein grandioses Beispiel für das, was mit den SS1 und den SY Chambers machbar ist. Aber die Diskussion und die Kritik an den SS1 wird so oder so kein Ende nehmen. Und der Frust der Leute wird immer wieder auf dich einprasseln (weil sich von der VSL hier sowieso kein Mensch meldet) Mal im erst ... warum machst du das mit? Wenn ich du wäre ... DIE KÖNNTEN MICH ALLE!

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    @LAJ said:

    Mal im erst ... warum machst du das mit? Wenn ich du wäre ... DIE KÖNNTEN MICH ALLE!

    Ich mache das ja gerade nicht mit. Ich teile einfach was ich mache und versuche die Diskussionen möglichst sachbezogen und möglichst wenig emotionsbezogen zu halten. Ich denke das hat VSL verdient die wirklich nach wie vor aussergewöhnliches Leisten. Aber ab einem gewissen Punkt hast du recht, ist das was die hier treiben wirklich nicht mehr mein Problem. Aber da ich unsere Pappenheimer ja kenne beeindruckt mich derlei auch nicht so sehr, als dass es mich von irgendetwas abhalten würde.

    P.S.: ich fürchte was die am meisten wurmt, ist wohl das Gefühl, dass ich das Komponieren zumindest so wie es heute von vielen (hier) betrieben wird wirklich schon lange nicht mehr unbedingt als die interessanteste Herausforderung in der Musik ansehe. O Gott gleich kommt wieder der Arroganzvorwurf falls einer von denen des Deutschen mächtig ist.

    Aber ist doch lustig, was für ein Gegacker im Hühnerstall aufkommt, wenn man einfach dann und wann mal an das Thema des Threads erinnert.

    @ non german speaking members

    OK Folks thanks to the most intellectual brilliant and constructive contributions from Acclarion, William and Guy Bacos we all know now excactly what should be improved in Synchron Strings. Great Discussion! That is the way only real 'Proffessionals' (or how ever you call those who still depend on getting payed for what they do) are able to discuss!

  • Ffahl5 ... Ik denk niet dat er reden is voor dit debat. Google translate 😜. "I do not think there is any reason for this debate to be so." With my all respect to you all. Regards , Yasir

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    @kamil said:

    Ffahl5 ... Ik denk niet dat er reden is voor dit debat.

    Google translate 😜.

    "I do not think there is any reason for this debate to be so."
    With my all respect to you all.

    Regards ,

    You are absolutly right 👍

  • Not worth it.

  • Since Synchron Strings are imho defenitly "worth" to be improved here are some of my suggestions what I think might improve the Synchron Strings.

    - I fear one of the most important aspects to work on are the default settings, that means what a user hear, when just loading the Library without any individual tweaks or adjustments.

    - why for instance does nearly all EQ's emphazise exclusivly the higher ranges, while supressing nearly always a good part of the original basis of the tone?

    - why for instance should the first available legatotype be"soft" which might be nice for very slow tempos but does not sound that convincing in normal tempo especially compared to normal. Why forinstance is the "auto speed" not the default Legato making sure that withouit any tweaks the Legato would be the mostz appropriate for the certain tempo played?

    - Why is Lyrical Vibrato the default setting, which agaion might be great for low dynamic and/or slow movement, while the regulare Vibrato seems to me in most other cases much nearer to what one might expect as kind of default sound.

    - I know the first Volume is nothing but the first step of what will come and I also know that even if we are used to look for the whole range of different Articulationtypes VSL has ever provided and often do not expect that many Subtypes in Synchron strings are already integrated in the behavior of the existing Patches. Nerverthe less. I currently see the following "gaps" which might be wort to complete

    - Of course con sordino, harmonics and sul pont should and will proably come in further Volumes.

    - The Dynamics and Sfz and non legatlo patches are currently restricted on kind of extreme types, which for themself are great (the "supershort" are brrilliant!) but still dont cover the need of more moderated types

    - non legato and Portato patches still seem to be usefull

    - more sustained Sfz would be great

    - the long cres. and decresc. are impressing for themself but in normal use types of different length and of course different shorter seem to me much more needed.

    - I still love very much the realism and usability of the old pfp patches in different length, which currently could only be replaced by meticoulus CC Expression + Vel-Xfade Editing

    - And Yes I would like to have another  kind of more passionate Vibrato like we have even two more in the Appasionata strings. I do not miss the large section size, but those more intensive vibratos would be a great addition.

    Just my humble opinion what I like to see worked on in future updates and/or further Releases.

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    @kamil said:

    Ffahl5 ... Ik denk niet dat er reden is voor dit debat.

    Google translate 😜.

    "I do not think there is any reason for this debate to be so."
    With my all respect to you all.

    Regards ,

    You are absolutly right 👍

    Dear Steffen, So let us know about this curious fact: you wrote very often long philosophical explanation about your own interest, that is NOT realism, but some kind of ideal performance, and is NOT precise care for details, because you like rendering huge projects in very short time, and so of course you don’t have the material time of refining details at all. This is pretty evident in your production, that is always very far from being any close to realistic, and always alternate some little good phrasing to long mechanic and midish sections. I don’t argue about your choice, you always point that you do it for your own fun, and it’s fair enough. But actually, since your scope is just having fun producing low detail long ideal electronic renderings ( sounding more or less like old ringtones) then why do you pretend to discuss details about realism and sound, that you always say are out of scope for you, and they obviously are listening to your music? There’s something weird every time you start arguing about sound, realism and precision, with people outperfoming you on sound, realism and precision. Just curiosity, before I follow William’s theory. All the best, Fabio

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    Dear Fabio,

    This topic is called " How to improve Synchron Strings I?"

    Do not disgrrace your self with simply ignoring that.

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    @kamil said:

    Ffahl5 ... Ik denk niet dat er reden is voor dit debat.

    Google translate 😜.

    "I do not think there is any reason for this debate to be so."
    With my all respect to you all.

    Regards ,

    You are absolutly right 👍

    Dear Steffen,

    So let us know about this curious fact: you wrote very often long philosophical explanation about your own interest, that is NOT realism, but some kind of ideal performance, and is NOT precise care for details, because you like rendering huge projects in very short time, and so of course you don’t have the material time of refining details at all.

    This is pretty evident in your production, that is always very far from being any close to realistic, and always alternate some little good phrasing to long mechanic and midish sections. I don’t argue about your choice, you always point that you do it for your own fun, and it’s fair enough.

    But actually, since your scope is just having fun producing low detail long ideal electronic renderings ( sounding more or less like old ringtones) then why do you pretend to discuss details about realism and sound, that you always say are out of scope for you, and they obviously are listening to your music?

    There’s something weird every time you start arguing about sound, realism and precision, with people outperfoming you on sound, realism and precision. Just curiosity, before I follow William’s theory.

    All the best, Fabio


    +1, spot on. As is William.

    Unfortunately I think only VSL can improve SyS - and that will require huge amounts of new recordings. Let's face it, it's not gonna happen. But hey, sometime in the future they will do another string library with the same "bread and butter" articulations and hopefully it will turn out better! Maybe even an upcoming sordino strings library will be performed with less attention to "perfection" and with a better working legato concept. Not holding my breath but I won't rule it out. And I think they are working on sordinos, right?