Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Mute/Hide Option in the forums

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    VSL team,

    Have you all ever floated the idea of allowing users to mute/hide posts from other users?  I appreciate strong opinions, but when the fights or the critiques get out of hand, it would be nice to be able to not have those comments appear while scrolling through posts.

    I think there are others who would see this option favorably. 😎 

  • Do you really think we would need that? Thanks God, this Forum is no political FB-Group.

    The most simple way to get this effect is just to avoid less efficient discussions.

    Yes there are frequently some of those threads but did you really think there are so much of them, that the by far most of us wouldn't be adult enough to just keep of from emotional distraction simply with the right decision where and what might be a good posting. and what would be not that much informative to read.

    I personally have the impression, as if the few who might tend to react sometimes a bit more impulsive than others are still ready to learn how to keep this comunity friendly and open minded.

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    Forum admins:  I believe the time is right for the ignore button to be implemented...Just a thought.😉

  • I looked in the mirror after reading this exchange, and I decided to install a mute button in my own attitude. If what I have to say is positive and might be helpful to the other readers, no mute and I will post. If it is negative and not helpful, my mute button will engage and I won't post. This has been an invaluable forum over the years with information that has been very helpful to me and I am very grateful for that. Thank you everyone.

    Large Vienna Library all on SSD, Protools/Carbon on M1 MacBook Pro, OSX Monterey 12.7, Steinway D, Rhodes Mk8-FX, Osmose, Moog One, Trigon 6-DT, OB-X8, Prophet 10 rev4, OB-6-DT, Kawai VPC-1
  • I couldn't agree more! Please add the ability to black list/ ignore specific users.


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    It's an interesting idea Steve but here's a potential problem...

    @stephen limbaugh said:

    VSL team,

    Have you all ever floated the idea of allowing users to mute/hide posts from other users?  I appreciate strong opinions, but when the fights or the critiques get out of hand, it would be nice to be able to not have those comments appear while scrolling through posts.

    I think there are others who would see this option favorably. 😎 

    If you have fahl on "IGNORE" he just saw what you didn't want him to see by me quoting you because I may not have fahl on "IGNORE." Or I could quote fahl and you would see what you don't want to.

    Now maybe having an option to make threads that you initiate be invisible to certian forumites might be worth looking into.

    But then again, this is a public forum where people can express ideas and opinions freely and the moderators have been pretty liberal about what they allow on their forum.  Even haters who come here to insult VSL and poo poo everything they have done are allowed to do so.

    Steve, you may not believe this but the VSL forum used to be one of the most vicious forums in the composer community.  I mean the flame wars here were down right savage leading to personal attacks that sometimes lead to physical threats from people who lived thousands of miles away from each other.  The back and forths were so brutal  that I often joked that MIR would have been released a year earlier if poor Dietz wasn't waisting so much time shutting threads down that spirled way out of control.  I mean it was practically a daily occurance with Dietz picking up the causualties on the forum battlefield instead of working on MIR. 

    I used to read through the threads thinking, 'How can these people type while wearing strait jackets😃

    But I learned so much about VSL, orchestration, and sample libraries in general back then that sometimes I think maybe it was worth it.  I learned things from people with whom I vociferously disagreed with.  The forum has lost many people (casualties) of those wars whose feelings were just decimated and they can't bring themselves to come back.  Perhaps they've been resurected under new user names?       

    Today, the forum is like Romper Room campared to "back in the day."  And although some of the disputes get nasty overall I think things have been quite civil.  Of course it's when a gentleman's dissagreement evolves into personal attacks that turn me off and others I'm sure.

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    @Another User said:

    But then again, this is a public forum where people can express ideas and opinions freely

    Exactly 👍

    Just be ready to learn that others might differ in their opinion.

    Steve has put it as it is. just stay constructive, non personal and focused on the subject. That even include concrete and subject based critics as long this is free from everything unpolite against any person, we all should be adult enough to come along with it, without any "emergency"options.

  • To quote Craig Feruson:

    "1 Does this need to be said?"

    "2 Does this need to be said by me?"

    "3 Does this need to be said by me right now?"

    Being able to ignore posts by a handful of members would free the other 99.9% of us from even having to ask ourselves question #1.


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    @fahl5 said:

    I personally have the impression, as if the few who might tend to react sometimes a bit more impulsive than others are still ready to learn how to keep this comunity friendly and open minded.


    Great, when do you start?

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    @fahl5 said:

    I personally have the impression, as if the few who might tend to react sometimes a bit more impulsive than others are still ready to learn how to keep this comunity friendly and open minded.


    Great, when do you start?

    Ok I admit this statement was obviously a bit to optimistic. I honestly didn't expect such a relaps of personal hostility as you demonstrated it recently. But how ever since your tattle has as usual no real substance  and finaly only disgrace yourself. Not my problem. You are simply by far not that important, that this Forum should change its technology for you.

  • dear forum members,

    from a technical view: to implement a mute/hide option would dig deeply into the forum code - it affects not only displaying posts, but also topics, new posts indicators, last post in thread indicators, tags, ect. would that really be worth the effort? shouldn't we waste our time on features which add some advantages to the website?

    from a personal view: it has already been mentioned this is a liberal forum and the vast majority of posts are well thought-out and interesting, so moderators can stay in the background. we don't want the intonation in the VSL forum to turn into something we eventually find in certain social media groups.

    i'd assume everybody here is respectful and tolerant enough that we don't need to have tools to exclude someone from communication. maybe it's actually just the summerly heat ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    i'd assume everybody here is respectful and tolerant enough that we don't need to have tools to exclude someone from communication.


    ...and adult enough to tolerate those who are not😉

  • I read this forum to learn something from others and help where I can.

    Sometimes I have to laught how stubborn someone can be; but it gets annoying...
    Therefore I like the idea of a mute mute button (or a penalty time-out for those who misbehave...).

    I don't care if someone has a fight with somone else, unless I have to read all the useless conversations to get the information between those posts I'm looking for.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @bbelius said:

    a penalty time-out for those who misbehave....

    As reasonable as it sounds, its afford to have a guideline for misbehavior which must be sanctioned, for instance

    • - direct personal insults
    • - slamming other members especially with lies and proveable wrong pretentions about their person,
    • - hostile personal polemic,
    • - spreading or insinuating personal debasing Lies and Fantasies about them and their families, for instance all those personal debasing hobby psychiatrist pseudo-diagnosis etc.

    I think there are enough exsamples of what those who show that missbehavior pretend would be allegedly just "humor" but would often enough already for the respect of exsiting laws would dseserve to be strictly sanctioned.

    But as far I understood Dietz right he dont want to step in what he calls "kindergarten" this is from Dietz perspective may be understandable since it would make for him especially with some members a lot of work to intervene each time they are breaking such guidlines again and again. But I fear not to be sanctioned and not even be reprimed is presumably exactly the main reason, what still encourages those who obviously cant resist to show that kind of misbehavior.

    So perhaps it will be more reasonable to think about a more responsible and therfore more active administration according to clear and for everybody in the same way valid guidelines to keep the comunication temperature even in summer a bit more moderate.

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    @bbelius said:

    I don't care if someone has a fight with somone else, unless I have to read all the useless conversations to get the information between those posts I'm looking for. Best, Ben
    Thank you. You bring it to the point. Great! I suggest an alternative: What the moderators could do better? Looking for so called „Two-Faces“ in this community and speak a VERY serious word with them. Those guys always use the same concept and are easy to find ... Step 1: First they behave provocative and try to make rules for others. Often it comes to a dispute including verbal abuse. Step 2: unexpected reconciliation and effusive praise for the previously attacked person ... Step 3: Another unexpected attack. and so on ... it is always the same procedure. And it is some kind of „repeating circle-concept“. The climax happens when those people are calling it comedy [b]on costs of others[/b]. Please take actions on those few people. THAT is what will work!

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    @LAJ said:

    What the moderators could do better? Looking for so called „Two-Faces“ in this community and speak a VERY serious word with them. Those guys always use the same concept and are easy to find ... Step 1: First they behave provocative and try to make rules for others. Often it comes to a dispute including verbal abuse. Step 2: unexpected reconciliation and effusive praise for the previously attacked person ... Step 3: Another unexpected attack. and so on ... it is always the same procedure. And it is some kind of „repeating circle-concept“. The climax happens when those people are calling it comedy [b]on costs of others[/b]. Please take actions on those few people. THAT is what will work!

    I understand the concretion of your concerns but I thinks it works as good as clear and straight it is. If the Administration sets up and really enforce their "rules" no one else has any occasion to do so..

    So the major point in my humble opinion would be what you call abuse and that beginns, as soon someone turns off from the discussed topic and shows concrete personal directed hostile insultiung and debasing behavior.

    Thats easier to set up and still enough work to enforce for Dietz.

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    @fahl5 said:

    I personally have the impression, as if the few who might tend to react sometimes a bit more impulsive than others are still ready to learn how to keep this comunity friendly and open minded.


    Great, when do you start?

    Ok I admit this statement was obviously a bit to optimistic. I honestly didn't expect such a relaps of personal hostility as you demonstrated it recently. But how ever since your tattle has as usual no real substance  and finaly only disgrace yourself. Not my problem. You are simply by far not that important, that this Forum should change its technology for you.


    fahl5, since you are the least of my references for maturity, you fighting with everyone on so many threads, I totally don't give a ....... of what you think of me.

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    @Guy Bacos said:

    fahl5, since you are the least of my references for maturity, you fighting with everyone on so many threads, I totally don't give a ....... of what you think of me.

    This is as usual again a beautiful exsample how a member abuses a thread on a defined subject, to provoke personal hostility by simply stating

    • not at all topic-related but only and explizitly personal directed, "fahl5, since you... "
    • pretending verifyable wrong facts "you fighting with everyone on so many threads,"
    • another User expliziztly debasing " are the least of my references for maturity"
    • aggressive wording "you fighting with everyone","I totally don't give a ....... of what you think of me."

    I really dont know neither what postings like this does in any way contribute to the topic of this thread here. nor what benefit ever that should have. I fear it only tends to create a generally more and more hostile aggresive comunication.

    At least one can use this blatant exsample for the comunication problems of this forum. to make exactly those problems concrete which cause the original question of this thread.

    I at least have the impression, as long the Administrator simply ignore this kind of behavior of pure personal hostility without absolutly any relation to the purpose of Furom it will literally support it and all who act like this user who all will continue to do so. While i believe already instant admonitions from the responsible Administrator will in most cases be able to moderate much of what currently pollute again and again the communication here.

  • fahl5, you aren't very clever, if you were really dedicated to this thread or any other threads, you would simply ignore me and others who you think are derailing the thread, or just write a brief post, but instead you write endless preaching posts, so you are totally contradicting yourself. Do you realize this? 

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    @Guy Bacos said:

    fahl5, you aren't very clever, if you were really dedicated to this thread or any other threads, you would simply ignore me and others who you think are derailing the thread, or just write a brief post, but instead you write endless preaching posts, so you are totally contradicting yourself. Do you realize this? 

    Again I answer not on what you self obviously think would be only worth to be ignored and I think you are absolutly right in this estimation. I just answer the topic of this thread. Since for this Topic your posting is as I said a blatant exsample for the existing problems. which makes obnviously again and again people ask for a technical function to ignore. "Do you realize this?"