Count down started yesterday with „7“ days (max.)
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Maybe he'll be in June, maybe July, August, September
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Count down started yesterday with „7“ days (max.)
Here we go ...
Maybe he'll be in June, maybe July, August, September
I have a feeling it will be finally released on Thursday June 7th 😎
Hello Paul/VSL,
Can you give us an update on when you will be finally releasing the Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1 ?
I hope you are getting the bugs fixed, and will release it in a matter of days, or hours !
The good news is: Our development team is tackling that bug right now, and we will gp through one last testing round.
I know it's another delay, and I hope we will be ready next week.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the update.
As you know, it has been a very long wait for this Synchron Player to materialize.
For me, the good news will happen when you actually, and finally release the new Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1. , and demonstrate how great the new player is in terms of workflow, improved Legato functionality, and much more.
Hopefully (fingers crossed) you will get to release the Player next week, and post some videos showing it in action, with some helpful video tutorials, and more audio demos. Although, I'm not going to hold my breath for it to be released next week, given the countless delays this release has encountered.
Good Luck & Cheers,
I agree VSL should take all the time their development team needs.
But I do not understand, if it is only one bug, why they cannot show new video tutorials in the meantime??!!
The fact there is no new audio demo by now CONFIRMS Paul's earlier reply: the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
Just my two cents.
The fact there is no new audio demo by now CONFIRMS Paul's earlier reply: the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
Just my two cents.
I surely don't agree with you.
I don't think you can deduct such a concrete conclusion just because there has not been any new demos posted. The new Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1 is not ready, how can they make demos using it ? It has some issue/s that are being debugged, so let's wait and see, before rushing to conclusions.
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not. If Not, please let us know, this is a very important detail that VSL needs to address, fix, or clarify to us.
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not.
Yes, I agree. VSL should clarify that aspect NOW, instead of keeping on procrastinating the answer until the release of the Player (for us to find out ourselves).
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not.
Yes, I agree. VSL should clarify that aspect NOW, and not procrastinate until the release of the Player (for us to find out ourselves).
Yes. Exactly !
Yes. Exactly !
I think Paul/VSL has already provided his answer.
"Silence is Golden."
the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
The Player introduces with the 8 Articulation-dimensions with up to 9 possible simultaneuosly mixable acoustic Perspectives a completly new concept to organize the rich variety of articulations VSL provide in an as musical reasonable as custumizable way which surpasses definitly everything any other Sampleproducer ever dreamed about.
This is of a such fundamental significance since it will streamline the way we will work with VSL's new libraires (at least) without limiting their power in any way. If all possible interactions which are opened by this powerful concept really do work as seamlessly as it is intended (and of course this does justify intensive testing and bugresearch) than this will raise VSL and their Libraries nearly in another Universe of working with orchestral Samplelibraries. Imho, thats pretty enough reason to be patient for.
What ever anyone pretends he should complain about what ever Legato-Detail. This is such a quantum leap forward, that imho your statement focussing nothing but an alledged Legato sensibility appeare to me - excuse me - but honestly "a bit" ignorant.
Discuss whatever legato sensibility one or another here might have, but to talk as if this would be the only aspect worth to consider concerning an incredible new Sampleplayerconcept hitting the marke does not seem to be that much informed nor convincing to me.
Quantum-leap? It's a necessity foremost. Multiple mixable perspectives is not something new. If you're looking for a "quantum-leap" in that regard, Hans Zimmer Strings has way more acoustic perspectives than Synchron Strings.
Sorry, but I fear you misunderstood Hans Zimmer Strings a bit. HZS provide You per section (not 9 different Mikrophonepositions) but as far as I understood it only the choice between 1 (Basses), 2 (Violas) up to 5 different recording positions of the Sections. Yes each seem to be recorded with a different amount of Microphones. But you do not have (as far as I know) for each microphoneposition seperate Samples as you have in Synchron Strings.
If you load for instance the Patch "60 Cellos all in one" you do not load for each of "26" used Microphones a complete sets of all available patches but as far as I understand just one Sampleset for each of the up to five 'recordingpositions' of the Cellos . (But of course not for each of the 26 used Microphones to record them.)
In Synchron Strings you definitly can load and mix based on complete seperate samplesets for each of the 8 different available "Microphone-positions". But you are right to have multiple Microphonepositions might be developed by VSL more extensive than other Orchestra libraries with usually 3-5 (sometimes 7) Microphone-positions available for the mix. But this allone might not be regarded as the "Quantum Leap"
The "Quantum Leap" is imho that VSL allow at the same time in an absolutly unprecedented way to switch or/and blend through up to 8 "dimensions of articulations" combined with the fexibility the 8 Microphonepositions.
And the whole project and Concept is not aimed to raise the custome-rattention with extreme but musicaly pretty useless and scarcly reasonable Buzzwordings but based on very realisitic orchestral situation and Mixing setup.
Regarding the fact, that HZS make with all their patches and recording-positions not more than a third of the sampleamount of Synchronstrings I (Which is just the First Volume of the complete Strings to come) it appears to me a bit to courageuos to compare something like the "Buy-me-because I-am-XXL Jumbo-size super exagerated Hans Zimmer Strings" with a serious and in its variety and organisation tremendous powerfull Orchestral project like the Synchron-series.
Sorry, but I fear you misunderstood Hans Zimmer Strings a bit. HZS provide You per section (not 9 different Mikrophonepositions) but as far as I understood it only the choice between 1 (Basses), 2 (Violas) up to 5 different recording positions of the Sections. Yes each seem to be recorded with a different amount of Microphones. But you do not have (as far as I know) for each microphoneposition seperate Samples as you have in Synchron Strings.
Hmm, no that is most certainly not true. I own both so I'm not misunderstanding HZS at all. These are the max amount of offered mics, the amount varies per section (and per patch), from the Spitfire page:
The mic positions are all actual recorded samples, you can turn the mic positions on and off individually (they vary from close, tree, ambient, outriggers, mid distance pairs, gallery mics, and more). Synchron works in the same way, recorded mic pairs which you can turn on and off.
The HZS 60 Cellos long patch really does have 26 mic positions available compared to 8 for Synchron. I'm not sure which five recording positions in HZS you would be refering to. HSZ is smaller in size (180+ gigs) for sure, not because of the mic positions but mainly because it is not as deeply sampled in terms of velocity layers.
The 'flexibilty' which Synchron offers using sliders to do a live mix with mic positions has been available for a while now in other Kontakt libraries as well, although usually less than 8 positions. It's not really anything new, the execution of the idea in Synchron is just fine (from what I've seen in the Piano Synchron player before it kept crashing) but I would hardly call it ground-breaking. It's rather a necessity to be competitive these days as all other library developers are doing similar things.
Hi Sovereign,
OK I still have the impression that here are several diferent kind "numbers" of mingeled:
the Number of Microphones used to record is neither for the Spitfire nor for the Synchron Series the same as the number of mixable micophone-configrations..
For the Synchronstrings you have 8 mixable samplesets with different microphone configurations, which are nevertheless recorded each with multiple Microphones.
And if you already have HZS, than you know that the Mixer of the UI does not offer 26 mixable Channels, but as far as I can see offers just 6 microphone configurations. (Close, Tee, Amb, Out, Mid x, Mid y of which each might be recorded with using altogether 26 Microphones but for what Reason have they been counted. ?)
But as far as you only think about the concept of Mixing different microphone configurations, VSL might only go one or two steps ahead on a path which is already established.
The real "Quantum Leap" as I indicated is something you seem to ignore perhaps since you simple do not yet realised its significance at all. I am talking about the 8 "Articulation Dimensions". And I am not talking about acoustics "Dimensions" like different microphoneconfigurations!!!Its about Dimensions of variations of the articulation it self.
Just try to understand what those up to 8 "Articulation Dimensions" of the Synchron player are about and you proably understand a bit better what Quantum Leap I am talking about.
Ok to make it a bit easier for You as far as I can see HZS offers maybe 8 chooseable Articulations in the All in one Patch. You can manipulate some of them with CC's for Expression (volume) and Vibrato have I missed any further? Sorry but even if I have missed one or another additional CC, take a look at the Synchron FX and you probably nderstand better how poor that choice looks like regarding the possible variety which opens with every additional Synchron-Player Articulation-Dimension to adjust the audible playingstyle/technique to the certain need of your composition.
And yes it matters not only in this context (at least to me) a bit more of a section is meticolously "deep" sampled" or not. and if Vibratos are scripted or based on real recoded samples. For me at least this seem to be ofdeeper "power" thatn any exaggerated Sectionsize.
(You asked for the Recording positions. I confess I thought the "60 Cellos All in one" would at least allow to mix each recordingposition (f.i. 20 right, 20 centre, 20 left, 20 Galleries" seperatly. Sorry I was wrong this is obviously not possible. If you want to, you have to load for each an additional Patch.)
To sum up HZS might be a development based on a more or less "glamorous" marketing Idea, while even the new Spitfire player does not change that much fundamentally what we already have seen from other Kontakt-Spitfire libraries except perhaps the pretty exaggerated sectionsizes of HZS.
With Synchron Series a powerful new concept of working with Orchestra samples comes up which deserves the time it needs to work as it is intended.