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Sorry for saying people here are sickening and disgusting - that was outrageous, not to mention egregious, atrocious and abhorrent. There are many fine composers and musicians here. People are excited about the Synchron releases and get agitated. A lot like at the zoo, when the apes start shaking the bars. I know I shake mine here at The Institute.
Sorry for saying people here are sickening and disgusting - that was outrageous, not to mention egregious, atrocious and abhorrent. There are many fine composers and musicians here. People are excited about the Synchron releases and get agitated. A lot like at the zoo, when the apes start shaking the bars. I know I shake mine here at The Institute.
Now, this is brilliant, and no doubt a fine use of inspiration from the recent Roseanne fiasco 😊
Count down started yesterday with „7“ days (max.)
Here we go ...
Maybe he'll be in June, maybe July, August, September
I have a feeling it will be finally released on Thursday June 7th 😎
Hello Paul/VSL,
Can you give us an update on when you will be finally releasing the Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1 ?
I hope you are getting the bugs fixed, and will release it in a matter of days, or hours !
The good news is: Our development team is tackling that bug right now, and we will gp through one last testing round.
I know it's another delay, and I hope we will be ready next week.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the update.
As you know, it has been a very long wait for this Synchron Player to materialize.
For me, the good news will happen when you actually, and finally release the new Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1. , and demonstrate how great the new player is in terms of workflow, improved Legato functionality, and much more.
Hopefully (fingers crossed) you will get to release the Player next week, and post some videos showing it in action, with some helpful video tutorials, and more audio demos. Although, I'm not going to hold my breath for it to be released next week, given the countless delays this release has encountered.
Good Luck & Cheers,
I agree VSL should take all the time their development team needs.
But I do not understand, if it is only one bug, why they cannot show new video tutorials in the meantime??!!
The fact there is no new audio demo by now CONFIRMS Paul's earlier reply: the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
Just my two cents.
The fact there is no new audio demo by now CONFIRMS Paul's earlier reply: the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
Just my two cents.
I surely don't agree with you.
I don't think you can deduct such a concrete conclusion just because there has not been any new demos posted. The new Synchron Player for Synchron Strings 1 is not ready, how can they make demos using it ? It has some issue/s that are being debugged, so let's wait and see, before rushing to conclusions.
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not. If Not, please let us know, this is a very important detail that VSL needs to address, fix, or clarify to us.
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not.
Yes, I agree. VSL should clarify that aspect NOW, instead of keeping on procrastinating the answer until the release of the Player (for us to find out ourselves).
I also think it would be very helpful if Paul/VSL clarifies his statement regarding if the Synchron Player will offer improved legato functionality for Synchron Strings 1 or Not.
Yes, I agree. VSL should clarify that aspect NOW, and not procrastinate until the release of the Player (for us to find out ourselves).
Yes. Exactly !
Yes. Exactly !
I think Paul/VSL has already provided his answer.
"Silence is Golden."
the new player will not improve anything we hope for.
The Player introduces with the 8 Articulation-dimensions with up to 9 possible simultaneuosly mixable acoustic Perspectives a completly new concept to organize the rich variety of articulations VSL provide in an as musical reasonable as custumizable way which surpasses definitly everything any other Sampleproducer ever dreamed about.
This is of a such fundamental significance since it will streamline the way we will work with VSL's new libraires (at least) without limiting their power in any way. If all possible interactions which are opened by this powerful concept really do work as seamlessly as it is intended (and of course this does justify intensive testing and bugresearch) than this will raise VSL and their Libraries nearly in another Universe of working with orchestral Samplelibraries. Imho, thats pretty enough reason to be patient for.
What ever anyone pretends he should complain about what ever Legato-Detail. This is such a quantum leap forward, that imho your statement focussing nothing but an alledged Legato sensibility appeare to me - excuse me - but honestly "a bit" ignorant.
Discuss whatever legato sensibility one or another here might have, but to talk as if this would be the only aspect worth to consider concerning an incredible new Sampleplayerconcept hitting the marke does not seem to be that much informed nor convincing to me.