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    Here's another crash log. It seems different that the first one I posted yesterday.


  • Hi jeremy 6740,

    Is there a reason why you are using Vienna Ensemble in 32-bit?

    Best, Marnix

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    No particular reason I think it was opperator error.   I have Upgraded to VEpro 64 and and It's working now.😃

  • You must give more information about your computer, setup .....

  • Since the recent update (Jan. 2018), I have been having crashes as well. Recently it's gotten worse!

    Currently running VEP (64 bit server) with the latest Pro Tools, Kontakt and Spectrasonics releases.

    On iMac Pro - 8 core - 64g ram - OS 10.13.3 

    External SSD drives via BM Multidock.

    Is there a proper way to trash prefs or should I delete VEP completely and reinstal?

    Thanks in advance!

  • No solution or response to this. Is it safe to uninstall/reinstall the January release update of VEP?

    Currently, after quitting PT 12, VEP will not quit thereby leaving no other choice but to engage Force Quit. This happens every time now, in addition to other issues described on my other post above.

    Please advice. Thanks.

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    @rinky said:

    No solution or response to this. Is it safe to uninstall/reinstall the January release update of VEP?

    Currently, after quitting PT 12, VEP will not quit thereby leaving no other choice but to engage Force Quit. This happens every time now, in addition to other issues described on my other post above.

    Please advice. Thanks.

    I had issues with the latest VEP6 crashing too. I went back to Vienna Ensemble Pro-OSX-6.0.16502 version and all is good and no crash thus far. 

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    Sadly same here.. totally useless.. the January build is really messed up.

    It crashes all the time.. especilaly when sending CC info.


  • Update - just playing notes from my midi controller will crash it.. i tried both latest version.. then uninstalled and tried prev. version ..both crash. I open vienna it loads all instruments. 

    i open ableton it connects... i hit notes on my keyboard.. and its crashes.  

    Happens almost everytime.. 

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    @adriaantaylor said:

    I had issues with the latest VEP6 crashing too. I went back to Vienna Ensemble Pro-OSX-6.0.16502 version and all is good and no crash thus far. 




    I can only download 6.0.15864, Can't found 6.0.16502; Where do you dowloaded ? thanks

  • Anyone try the latest build today xx999

  • Hey! Works fine for me. But I had to admit, that I did not had a single crash in the last 3 months. Working with 300 Midi Tracks / 100 Audio Outputs to Cubase Pro on Win 10. Cheers Joe

  • I seemed to narrow down my issues with using AU's..  I swapped to VST's only and its behaving for the moment.

  • I'm getting some crashing too...  

  • Hi Dewdman,

    Would you please send the corresponding crash reports/ dump files, along with your system specifications and steps to reliably reproduce the crashes to, so we can better look into this?

    Best, Marnix

  • Still no word... and still no updates past 17011.  WTF.. .how can a company run like this?

    really frustrated.. i can't image hollywood guys putting up with this for a second!

    are they all on 10.6 snow leo with vepro 5 ;) or something