Maybe it's about time VSL and Steinberg discontinue eLicenser and switch to iLok instead.
The scary issue of lost or stolen dongles is solved if you purchase zero downtime for iLoks and activate Theft and Loss coverage aka TLC. The licenses are replaced with 90 day temporary licenses which get refreshed whenever the iLok "sees" the server. This covers all licenses from all manufacturers on that dongle. The yearly fee of some 30 EUR/USD per covered dongle is not much higher than the price of a new eLicenser I buy every year just to renew the hardware guarantee and get some small protection against a defect but not loss or theft.
With iLok I would need only a single dongle per computer, plus license protection was provided by third parties.
I understand the need of protection against piracy, and a dongle provides also some flexibility to use your licenses on a guest computer. However, I believe VSL and Steinberg should put their focus on keeping their products up-to-date and provide us customers with the new stuff we are willing to pay the price for.