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  • windyweekend,

    I have a feeling that if the kontakt update did not provide the fix... we are going to need to detail out the specifics of our vienna racks to track this down fully... Im 5 days into a slave configuration that hasn't had the issue... though like I said before, my racks aren't fully loaded as normal, where i first experienced the problem we've all reported in this thread... based on what I know now, I'm almost positive the problem is not hardware, os configuration, network config... has to be DAW-VEP or VEP-INTERNAL.. both server and standalone.

    I'm about to architect a new upgraded multi-slave setup of a friend of mine who happens to be a much busier and credited composer than me and really would like to have this problem licked before signing off on his templates...

    I will post the details of each setup that either has the issue or does not as soon as I can guys. peace.

  • Updated Kontact to 5.6.6. Issue still remains unfortunately. Need to get VSL to fix this me thinks...

  • Hey I made some progress... is everyone using the same sound card for system audio and also daw use? I noticed my RME driver not changing with a buffer change while recording vocals the other day... tracked it down to the system audio (windows 7). As soon as I disabled the use of my RME in windows, cubase was switching the buffer perfectly.

    Just curious to see if anyone has the problem even if their operating system isn't using the interface for system sound.

  • I noticed a similar problem on my windows server.  As I filled it up to be quite large (around 90gig ram taken up of 128) the cpu usage went to 0%.  However when I turned off or deleted a couple of channels of instruments it would pop back on as then indicated by a 10-19% cpu usage at idle.  The instance stop start / server on / off had no effect.

  • Any update on this?  Having to reload this large slave system every couple of days is time consuming, especially in the middle of a score. 

  • Hi, 

    There was a similar thread on VI-Control, where our head developer suggested it could be related to some plugin using a 32-bit integer for timestamp, which could possibly wrap after ~25 hours.

    We would need a reliable minimal reproduction for this to go any further, any input is very welcome.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • It doesn't appear to be a 25 hour issue with timestamps:  I removed a few unused instances of two plugins (Valhalla Room and Fabfilter ProQ2), thinking they might be the source, and VEPro ran for about 3-4 days.  But I came back to the studio today, and the audio engine had dropped to 2% from its normal 18-20%. As usual, restarting the audio engine didn't work - I had to kill it and reload.  I only have Play 4.2.2 and Kontakt Player 5.3 running in this server now. 

  • I removed 4 instances of SampleModeling Brass from my slave PC template, and VEP6 has been running for about week now.  

  • This is worse with the latest update to VEPro 6.  I just updated a slave PC that had been running for about 2 weeks now after removing a couple of plugins.  But I updated VEP6 yesterday, and this morning the engine was sitting a 0%.  

    Whatever the latest update added has made the engine-stop issue much worse.

  • For sake of comparison, I replaced VEPro6 on the standalone slave system with Cantible for hosting VIs, and it has been running for about 2 weeks now (this works as a replacement as I am using hardware for audio back to the host, and MidiOverLan for midi - I wasn't using VEPro's streaming audio/midi system).  

    The problem with VEP's audio engine stopping every couple of days seems isolated to VEPro. 

  • Good to know dterry. I can confirm if I leave my workstation overnight the next day at some point will have the engine quit. It makes no difference if I am using it either. One time recently I did a little work on the second day of a session being open, an hour later the engine stopped. I would love to be able to keep my weekly projects open with full confidence. Really hope paul can fix this.

  • I will work on a detailed report of the smallest session I have that exhibits this behavior to attempt tracking down the problem. The good thing is the behavior IS predictable for me at least. I am thinking it IS a specific plugin causing the problem within the vienna host.

  • I thought it was plugin related, but I only have multiple instances of Play 5 in my slave system.  Removing other plugins seemed to extend the amount of time VEP would remain up, but I'm not sure it really made any difference. 

  • Was there ever some kind of consensus as to what causes the timeouts?
    Mine go dead after 25 hours.

    Any revelations dterry? Jesse?

  • To answer your question... no I still have this issue on the latest vienna 6. ANY version of cubase does this... I also converted my system back to Vienna 5 and tested... and still the same issue. Not sure what went wrong or how this keeps happening but I just unload and load at the beginning of every production session as a habit now. costs me about 10 minutes per session.