Hi Guy
Very interesting thread. Here is some more information about how Blaskapellen usually sounds mixwise...
I had to record 2 real "Blasmusik-Kapellen" this year. They wanted to have an audio-CD. When such a band is going to record a CD they want to sound how all the other Blaskapellen in the field. So for reaching this aim I boght some CDs of the most famous Blaskapellen and tried to find out how they are mixed in general and in the averrage. And yes, one can say that modern "Octoberfest-Kapellen" all are mixed the same way - more or less. Here are my observations:
- Tuba: often pumped up a bit, often with overdone high frequencies (flatter), either with a lot of reverb or totally dry. mostly mixed to the center.
- Drums: mostly dry played and often a very small set. Sometimes not very dominant. (Bass Drum mixed to the center position, snare, ride, crash etc. somewhere in the stereo field. The bass drum has a very tight and short sound.
- Trumpets: A bright sound, often very stereo (first and second trumpets L and R) often with a lot of reverb.
- Trombones: dito Trumpets
- Clarinettes/Saxophones: Bright sound as well with vibrato, often a lot of reverb as well (left or right)
- Accordeon: Stereo, stereo, stereo, bright, full sound, reverb...
About reverb: In general on can say reverb means tail but no room or depth... One can observe tail lengths from 1,5-5! seconds... Soloist is the one who plays forte all the others are playing p.
Also: The Blaskapellen-Music is often very compressed and loud mixed, so that all the instruments are sounding with the same volume. As I mentioned, these are the facts how the music style normally is mixed and people are used to listen to at the radio, on CD or where ever.
Of course I also tried to reach the sound with VSL as well
- Tuba: Mix between Tuba, BassTrombone and the solo Double Bass for having more Volume in the lows
- Trumpets 1 & 2: Mix between Trumpet Ensemble 3 + Trumpet in C
- Trombones 1& 2: TromboneEnsemble 3 + Single Tenortrombone
- Clarinettes: ClarinetteEnsemble 3
- Accordeon: Tarilonte Accordions (not VSL)
- Drums: Superior Drummer (not VSL)
BK-Polka (unfortunately not a composition of your "size". It only shall show the mixing matters)
Have fun and I hope it is a help for further Octoberfest-approaches.
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/