OK as a german I tend to suffer from the association of Germany and its culture with that bajuvarian drinking bouts not much less as any guy with african origin being confronted with association to earlier hominidae (=monkeys).
However I fear this brass Band has still a bit to much tempo for the average alcohol level of producers and listeners of Oktoberfest-noises. I also fear the aspects Dixilandjazz and american marching bands you mixed in will aswell in the cultural formation aswell as in the instrumental abilities largly overburden the average Oktoberfest-"Musicians" try to imagine, that the major chord is already something very complicated and if you are happy to know perhaps two or three of them you are defenitly in danger to overshoot notably the musical horinzon of average bajuvarian-drinking bouts brassmusicians.
So here is my Tip how you might improve your attempt:
try to forget nearly everything else you know about music than get completly and constantly drunk for at least one or two weeks on "the Wiesen" during the oktoberfest. And after that - if you are lucky🍺- you might perhaps come a bit closer to the awful brassnoises which torture everyone in munich in early october who is not yet drunken enough to simply ignore it. 😉