Hi Paola Hi Keneth,
Here is my VSLUnversal-map: (Attachment 1) concentrated on 15 Articulationtypes which one would find in notated music. This expressionmap only choses a certain matrix of a certain VI instrument patch of a cerrtain Instrumenttyp.
As you can see in the 2. Attachment in the Preset each Articulationtyp has its own matrix
I control the two dimensions of the matrix alway in the same two different meanings via Midi-CC:
MidiCC 4 (Ensemblesize)
let me chose a certain VSL-librarytyp of that instrument ranging from solo instruments (CC4 Value 0 up to for instance the largest available ensemble like Appasssionata strings. between you will find beneath Chmaberstrings and Orchestral strings also different Dimensionstrings ensembles with more or less players
MidiCC3 (Articulationvariant)
with CC3 I control which version of a certain articulation type of a certain ensemble size should be triggerd
CC20 SlotXFade (Muted variants)
As you further can see wherever I found any muted kind of articulation I put it in the Slot-Xfade of the corresppending unmuted articulation. what will allow me to generelly decide for a certain passage to be played muted, without the necessity to pragram the each Articulation in a completly new different way. That means Muted legatos staccatos, sustains and so on are programmed in the the same way like unmuted, with the addition of CC20 = 127
This System works for nealry 90 % of all available tuned VSL orchestral instruments. It integrates all kind of libraries availabe and is flexible enough to handle the very different amount of available Articulationvariants in all those different libraries.
However I am currently not very far with any concept to generalize the Articulation selection independent fom different Producers of Samplelibraries. Currently I still have always one VSL-Track and one for all Kontakt libries with Kointaktmultis where I stack more or less all (resaonable/useable) Kontakt-Libraries of a certain Instrumenttyp let me switch with the midichannel whch note should trigger which library trying to keep the articulationselection be as much as possible don with CC32 for Spitfire for instance. On a 64GB-Ram PC I am able to load nearly the complete spitfire Orchestra (with 3 mic-positions) and a few other things from embertone or XSample.
But I fear things must be organized completly new when the Synchronstage-orchestra is there, whcih definitly would need much more complexity and resources available to controle its power. Thats why I plan to upgrade my hardware (wellcome back Networking with VE 😉)