First, what exactly does the offer to use the MIR Synchron stage room set for free during the introductory offer mean? Does that mean everybody gets it for free who will buy the Percussion bundle or can I just try it out for free during the room packs introductory offer? It is not formulated in a way you can be sure about that IMO ...
Then, I really wonder what the free Taiko is all about. IMO it doesn't really make sense .. why yould you give this out now and later make available never again? If I remember correctly, the same was announced regarding the Jazz drums as a freebie for buying Vienna Suite. And Jazz Drums were sold later as a download intrument anyway, right? So, please VSL! Don't join those bloody marketing guys as so many others do ... I have much more respect for you the way you mostly handled intro deals and marketing up to now. I guess it is tempting, as you may achieve some quick reults with it, but keep in mind, most customers have a memory for such things and on the long runn it will do more bad then good yor your reputation. This is just my 2 cents, of course! YOu don't need to reply on it, I just wanna give feedback on a company I hold dearly ...