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  • Can VEP6 connect an Instance Audio to another Instance?

    I wish to create an Instance in VEP6 which is just my "Virtual Recording Soundstage/Studio", which pulls in the outputs from other Instances (such as a "Strings" instance) and brings them into Busses which are then output and placed on the Venue MIR stage, and as well has all the processing plugins typical for my master mixes. The idea being, that this one instance, is just for audio processing (reverb, bussed EQ, mastering EQ, Limiter, etc).

  • I think I'm doing this w/o MIR in Pro Tools 12: The VEP6 is running as a virtual instrument (really, it's just an Aux return over ethernet) you can bounce it or send it via a hardware output bus or to another internal bus.

    I'm also doing this to use a 2nd reverb inside the Apollo Quad via a "Virtual Send" from an Aux channel.

    What's your setup? Oe machine or two? Software/host? Are you wanting to use ethernet or are you wanting to connect actual analog and/or digital i/o signals? If you're just doing DSP, perhaps just one extra instance with the DSP alone. Or a second or third machine. I think it can be easily done via ethernet. Just monkeying around with the sends and returns.

  • I'm trying to do it all on one machine in one instance of a VEP Server. I would have like my sections, each one a seperate snapped-in instance, ie: STRINGS, BRASS, PERC, WWs, and I then would want to send each one of those into a different bus of another instance called STAGE where I have my reverbs and further master processing. All the while, never actually leaving the VEP Server (except for the final master out).

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    I couldn't get this to work on a VEP6 remote slave (2012 i7 Mini). Tried running a third instance using all kinds of internal routing options: Inside the VEP6 instance, using sends on the VEP master track back to Pro Tools 12, etc., but no dice. I didn't try running a "stand-alone" version because the Mini is already running 22 VSL instrument tracks and 2 UVI instrument plugins divided between two instances in VEP6.

    After 3 hours of shenanigans, I just gave up and created a Aux/reverb bus in Pro Tools on my main machine: I'm running a reverb plugin on a UAD Apollo. When I'm done writing something, I'll probably "print" the UAD reverb onto an audio track and maybe the Waves IR reverb onto another. Too bad that the Waves stuff can't run inside the Apollo box.

    Let me know if you get yours to work. 😔

  • Hi, 

    MIR PRO has to be inserted into each instance separately, I believe that's why this concept will not work. What you could do on one machine is to send your VE PRO instances to your sequencer on different outputs, and then reverberate those outputs in a MIR PRO plug-in (in the sequencer), this way they would all be in ONE MIR PRO plug-in, easy to handle. 

    Maybe that's a good solution. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Yeah that seems to the most logical workaround. But it sure would be great if we could access neighboring BUS channels by prefacing the output selection of any channel, with the INSTANCE name.

    For example:
    In a "Strings" instance, with a neighboring instance named "Stage", one would choose: STAGE > BUS 1

  • Hi, 

    Ideally, you will want to position each instrument separately anyway (from our perspective), but I agree: More choice is always better.

    For now, I think this is a valid workaround!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Well, Paul, does MIR PRO 24 work across Instances?

  • Hi Evan, 

    MIR PRO does not work across instances, but you can use the same settings for MIR PRO in different instances, if you like.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    MIR PRO does not work across instances, but you can use the same settings for MIR PRO in different instances, if you like.

    Wouldn't that kill the CPU if I use multiple MIRs? I guess this is the reason why everybody tries to route different instances (strings, winds, brass, perc...) into one MIR.

    I understand that can solve the problem if I insert MIR into my main DAW and not onto the VEP server machine, but this is why we use servers, to outsource the CPU/Memory usage, so would be great if somehow we could route multiple instances into MIR.

    thanks for all the answers Paul,

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    Dietz describes a workaround that somehow got under the radar in this thread. Definitely worth a thought!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul, sounds interesting though not sure I understand it yet :) But will continue the conversation there with him!