Hi Francesco,
I don't think it was possible to create virtual orchestra music in the late 80s, at least not with the samplers I had access to at the time. I remember the violin patch I used could fit on a 1.44MB floppy, that tells you how few and small the samples were! Out of the 99 Gumby segments I scored, a few, like the one I posted had no dialogue and had to be synced to the Gumby band. I would watch the video and write the music in pencil onto score paper and my assistant would then sequence the music. By carefully watching the hand and arm movements of the characters, I'd eventually get it right. It was tedious, time-consuming and there were no shortcuts. Luckily there were only a few shows like that or I would have gone crazy. My assistant sequenced the cues using a Yamaha QX-3 sequencer. Once the music was recorded onto tape, SMPTE time code was used to sync to video.
Hi Jerry,
1.44MB violin..... very good. 😊
Indeed the matching/sequencing process that you have described sounds very time-consuming to me. It was a lot of work......writing the cues then QX-3 then tape then sync-ing......great effort!