I did crude MIDI also. So horrible sounding I would never want anyone to hear it.
I just don't know how to react to this - it is disturbing. Sorry - I will sign off.
One way to react would to be honest with yourself: Why did this push your emotional buttons with such intensity? It has nothing to do with me, Gumby or my music, but with you.
These recordings were made in the days before sample libraries, before 24 bit, 44.1hz samples and before digital converters had become refined. The music cues are not crude, not in the least, my cues are well-composed little pieces, I am not embarrased by my early MIDI work, it was all about learning, learning and more learning, just as it is today for me.
If you had been the composer who got that job, would you have turned down the creative challenge, the novelty of doing an entire TV animation series with MIDI and over $250,000 in income because music technology wasn't nearly as good as it is today?
Trying to please old Gumby fans with new music and a new theme song was a very tough sell, people get attached to their traditions, analogous to when Bob Dylan came out on stage with an electric guitar in the late 60s many of the folk musicians were really upset and angry because they felt he betrayed folk music.