Sorry about the way I responded. I am just really frustrated with getting the package I bought to properly work in Sibelius....without all the unecessary files in the Vienna Ensemble player and funky playback, and configuring it properly via the Manual Soundsets under Playback Options in Sibelius to no avail. Here are my main questions I am asking concerning the Vienna Syphonic Library Special Edition Volume 1 Bundle in my other message.
One, what file do I have to move the correct dll files to in order for it to properly load in Sibelius 6 via Playback Devices? On Windows 10 specifically? Do I need the 64 bit dll files or the other files in order for it to work on my 64 bit system?
Two, when I import the Vienna Ensemble and Vienna Instruments Player into Sibelius, how do I do it without adding a ton of other funky playback devices that are already included with Sibelius? How do I take out the funky playback as well?
Three and last, do I import the proper files into Vienna Ensemble 5 before I open Sibelius or during a work?
I am going to try a couple other things; and, I will most likely look at the Sibelius manual and see what it says. There is way to get it to work properly; but, it may take some time. Any input on how to get it to work on Windows 10 is greatly appreciated! Please help!