Hi william,
We just have a different approach. No matter if you use samples or live musicians, at the end, there is alway's just the music.
I'm not saying the library is the problem and I know it's possible to program a good solo string part. It just takes a lot of times, times that i prefer to spend composing and recording. I do midi programming a lot, everyday long.
When it comes to chamber music or a single solo strings part , I'm more than happy to record some live musicians when it's possible. I like to get out of my studio, write some scores and speak to musician about the music and the movie (I do music for pictures a lot).
Or I could spend this time in my studio trying to get better at programming solo parts. Of coarse.
VSL is an amazing sample library. there's no doubt.
Sample libraries is a tool i need and use everyday to make the music that make me live.
Sometimes I use it just for the composing stage, sometimes it's the final product. Listeners will not care about if it's live or programmed or both.