Having recently taken full advantage of the May sale on Special Edition products, I installed them normally so far as I know. However, when I go to insert their patches into VI Pro matrix slots I notice that for some reason the new instruments contained in them are not segregated into their own subfolders. Instead they patches simply list at the end of their main section.
For example, previously installations of Vols. 1 and 2 resulted in something like this...
--- 12 Oboes (main folder)
------- 00 Oboe advanced (instrument subfolder)
------- 10 Oboe vienna advanced (instrument subfolder)
.11S OBvn staccato (patch)
.12S OBvn sustain (patch)
But for these two volumes it looks like this:
--- 12 Oboes (main folder)
------- 40 Oboe ensemble advanced (previous instrument subfolder)
51S EHvn staccato (new instrument patch)
52S EHvn sustain (new instrument patch)
(No new subfolder for new instrument!)
Is this normal, or have I perhaps introduced this behavior by some inadvertent mistake in installation?
W 10 i5-9600K 64 GB Synch - Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elt Str, Dua Str & Sordino, Prime Studio - Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir St Dim - Brass, Strings VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro Cubase 14, St One 6, Dorico 5