Thanks for the replies although I have a few questions. It doesn't seem that any of the methods suggested allow you to play transposed in realtime as my method does. Is this correct? So if you're sequencing parts it should work fine, but if you like to play parts in, you're going to hear them out of tune until after you record and then pitch shift in the DAW? Huh? Is this correct? I could never do it that way.
So is there a reason you guys are not using my method? (push sample up in VI-Pro Edit menu and then pitch bend down with a controller). As it should produce the same results but in realtime.
@ Saxer - I have Logic although I'm not as familiar with it as with DP. I'll check out this "back transpose" you speak of. Although, this is only after you've recorded right?
@William - Yes, I suppose you're correct, it would be better to choose a higher sample and then transpose down. Thanks for the heads up on this!