I want to use the Transposition/Pitch Bend (PB) trick to create 2nd violins although I'm not sure the best way to go about this. Here's what I'm doing:
In VI Pro 2, in Advanced mode, under the Edit menu, I can lower the instrument two semi tones. This should trigger a different sample than the normal one for each key (but a whole tone lower). Next, in the performance options, I make sure the PB range is set to 200 and assign it to a MIDI controller. Then with the MIDI controller, I raise the pitch back up a whole tone. This way, when I play a note, I should trigger a different sample from the normal that key would produce (happens in realtime btw as long as my MIDI controller is set to bend the pitch back up). Thus, I can play a line on 2nd violins that shouldn't cancel or phase with the 1st violins in unison.
The problem is, I have no leeway to adjust the tuning as the PB range is limited to 200 cents. So if I need +/- a few cents to adjust the tuning I don't have that option. So is there a better method that I'm overlooking? Please let me know if there is an alternate method and the preferred method to accomplish this PB trick.
Also, how many sample points/ octave are used in Dimension Strings? Where they sampled with a whole tone scale or with individual semi-tones? I looked but couldn't find this information in the literature but I'm sure I missed it.
Gregory D. Moore