I would recommend checking the following:
Since you said even if you mute all but one tracks in Sibelius and get midi input in all the tracks, the midi input in VE for your instruments might all be set to "omni", in which case they would be receiving midi information from all the channels simultaneously. (That might be mixing things up) If it is so, try assigning individual channels to all the tracks.
Since you have midi input but no sound, the problem might be one of these:
- You might have velXfade turned off, but Sibelius might be trying to send the dynamic information through velXfade. Or vice versa. Try turning velXfade on and off in some instruments. And by default, VI accepts CC2 for velXfade but Sibelius might be trying to send it via CC11 (expression).
- Sibelius might be sending some strange Volume (CC7) and Pan (CC10) information which blocks the sound.
It's unlikely the problem is one of those because in those cases you would have some sound anyway. But it's good to monitor incoming midi info for these CC values. (you can put up faders in VI for that).
Also Sibelius might be sending wrong or no keyswitch information at all. Or any other info for selecting patches in the matrix. In that case, there might simply not be any patches selected to get sound. Try checking if any patches are selected with the playback of Sibelius. Try switching back and forth different patches through Sibelius.
By the way, do you get sound when you click on the piano keyboard in VI interface? Do you see which notes are pressed on that keyboard when you press play in Sibelius?