Vienna Special Edition
I've tried to install my Vienna Special Edition v2.0 on my new laptop and it won't write the Vienna Instruments to a folder. I get the message that 'Folder is not writable'. I downloaded the most recent installer without success, and the original installer v1.09 doesn't work either, which is odd, as it did work in this laptop a couple of months ago. I uninstalled it because I couldn't get it to work with Sibelius 7, but I decided to try again. Is there a solution to this problem, and will it eventually work with Sibelius 7?
Hi Phil,
Please use the Library Installer that comes with the latest VI Software.
If the Folder is not writable, I´d check Permissions on the location you´re trying to install the content on, or try another location.
What exactly didn´t work in combination with Sibelius?
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Hi Paul I have used the most recent version Library installer with no success. I keep getting a Validation message saying 'Folder not writable'. I am using Windows 8. How do I check permissions to install? I havent had this problem with other software. As to using it with Sibelius 7, Sibelius seemed incapable of finding the sounds, even after I had selected them. Philip
Hi Paul I've succeeded in getting the installer to work. I had to find out how to install as administrator, which is new to me. Now for the slow task of installing. I'll let you know how I get on with Sibelius later. Thanks Philip
Hello Phil!
Normally our collections work fine with Sibelius 7. A detailed manual on this topic can be found here:
http://www.vsl.co.at/en/68/141/460/576/655.htmRegarding your installation problem. Permissions can be checked in the Windows Explorer. Rightclick the folder and select Properties. Have you tried installing the Special Edition content to a different folder or hard drive?
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hi Andi Everything is now installed, and I followed all the setting up procedures in the manual for optimising Sibelius. Everything appears ok, and then I tried playback, and there is no sound produced. Is it possible that the sound files are not in the correct folder?
Hi Phil!
It can have different reasons why there is no sound. First I would check your hardware output settings in the Sibelius menu Play/Setup/Audio Engine Options. If you have set up the correct output there and still don't get a sound, please check if you have indeed loaded a Special Edition matrix and the Master Volume and Expression faders are not turned down. If this still doesn't help, can you hear something in the Vienna Instruments Standalone player?
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hi Andi, It's even worse now. First of all no sound was produced in Standalone player. Then I tried loading a new setup in Sibelius, and now Sibelius starts without Vienna Ensemble. On top of that I imported Vienna House Styles, and now when Sibelius starts it tell me there are missing fonts. What do you recommend now? Philip
Hi Andi I am playing back my Sibelius score, and in the Vienna Ensemble 4.1.12675 window I can see midi activity flashing on the left, but no sound is coming through on the faders. Is it possible that the actual sounds are not linking with the rest? By the way, when I mute all the tracks in Sibelius except one, all the channels still flash in Vienna Ensemble. Philip
Could it be that Windows 8 is the source of my difficulty? I see that Windows 7 is supported, but no mention of Windows 8. Until I can get this to work, I will not be getting any other instruments or upgrade to the PRO version. It is very frustrating. Philip
I would recommend checking the following:
Since you said even if you mute all but one tracks in Sibelius and get midi input in all the tracks, the midi input in VE for your instruments might all be set to "omni", in which case they would be receiving midi information from all the channels simultaneously. (That might be mixing things up) If it is so, try assigning individual channels to all the tracks.
Since you have midi input but no sound, the problem might be one of these:
- You might have velXfade turned off, but Sibelius might be trying to send the dynamic information through velXfade. Or vice versa. Try turning velXfade on and off in some instruments. And by default, VI accepts CC2 for velXfade but Sibelius might be trying to send it via CC11 (expression).
- Sibelius might be sending some strange Volume (CC7) and Pan (CC10) information which blocks the sound.
It's unlikely the problem is one of those because in those cases you would have some sound anyway. But it's good to monitor incoming midi info for these CC values. (you can put up faders in VI for that).
Also Sibelius might be sending wrong or no keyswitch information at all. Or any other info for selecting patches in the matrix. In that case, there might simply not be any patches selected to get sound. Try checking if any patches are selected with the playback of Sibelius. Try switching back and forth different patches through Sibelius.
By the way, do you get sound when you click on the piano keyboard in VI interface? Do you see which notes are pressed on that keyboard when you press play in Sibelius?
Hello Philip!
Windows 8 is supported by our software. So I can rule that out.
If I have got that right, you don't get a sound with Sibelius/Vienna Ensemble AND with the Vienna Ensemble standalone player. Did you actually load Vienna Instruments and Special Edition matrices inside? Did you set up your audio driver? In Vienna Ensemble this can be done under Preferences/Audio. In Sibelius this can be done under Play/Setup/Audio Engine Options.
Can you see that the instruments produce an audio signal. This can be seen in the upper right corner of the Vienna Instruments interface.Please provide a few more details. What have you done so far?
You can ignore the message that some fonts are not found.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hi Andi To be honest I don't know. I just followed instructions for install. How do I load them inside? I don't know if I have or not. In the Vienna Ensemble window, when I click,on Vienna Instruments at the top, all I see is a grey dot appearing under it and nothing else happens. I am very confused. Philip
Hello Philip!
Please add Vienna Instruments with the button "VI" in the lower left of the Vienna Ensemble window. The Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble manuals will provide more help on how to use our software.
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Adding Vienna Instruments with VI button has same effect as what I had been doing, so I was loading it. Still no sound. I've tried changing from Omni for midi channels but that doesn't make any difference. Haven't tried other suggestions yet. I'll let you know how I get on. Philip
I have noticed something important. There are no Matix or Patches in my Vienna Instrument window. There are only Presets. I don't know why this is, but I imagine that this is the reason there is no sound. If so, why are they not present? I installed everything from my DVDs as directed. Also I see that when I start the Vienna Ensemble Engine, it states there are 32 outputs and 0 inputs. Philip
Hi Andi I checked on my hard drive where the patches were, according to the Library Installer, which was Windows/system32/ Vienna Instruments, but they weren't there, so I reinstalled them to the Program files (x86) folder. Using the Directory Manager I removed the other ones, and finally I'm able to load patches and I am getting sound. However, when playing the score in Sblelius, the instruments don't behave as expected. I had chosen Vienna Instruments in the Performance dictionary, but legato was sounding as pizz, or as tremolo. Do I need to reinstall the performance presets as well? Philip
Hello Phil!
Good to read that you were finally able to load patches. It can have different reasons why articulations don't change as supposed. Did you set up a Sibelius Playback Configuration with the Special Edition sound set and programs for all instruments applied on the Manual Sound Sets page as described in the "Optimizing Sibelius Playback" manual? Please also check the Troubleshooting section. You can find more help there. If you still can't manage to resolve your problem then, please send us an e-mail to
and describe in detail what you have tried so far.
Vienna Symphonic Library
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