As far as how to use the library to its potential (i.e. tutorials etc.) is concerned, they don't have to do anything, and they probably could not even if they wanted to. The best demos I have heard save for the original Blue Danube, have come from users who, understandably, won't publicize their secrets and will protect their livelihoods. Beat's and VSL's own tutorials address the beginner to intermediate level users, and then we are all on our own.
Why won't they publicize their secrets? This is a secret for me. When you put something at the Compositions area of this forum, why not telling (when asked for) how you did it? How did you do that great portamento? Is the Pitch wheel involved? Users on other forums do this regurarly.
Since VSL has yet to embrace my idea of its own notationI will go for this, but bring another 10 mil with you..........(haha). Please no, Vienna is strong in making sound libraries, others are more or less strong in notation programs, but some cooperation between those disciplines will be very welcome. Make programmers musicians and musicians programmers and hire authors for writing decent manuals.
This develops into a very interesting discussion, thank you Errikos