I've recently been experimenting with the MIR instrument profiles, which really are great, especially for percussion (I was worried I'd never get the timpani sound I was after, but with the 'big' profile, 'fat' compression the 'deep and distant' EQ presets, it's sounding amazing).
I was hoping to clarify what was meant exactly by the 'Pure' profile - am I correct in thinking that this is the 'pure' sample sound, unaltered by any EQ? ...Or does it mean that certain rougher frequencies have been filtered out, resulting in a sound with a more pure-sounding tone?
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core 3.59Mhz Processor, 64 GB RAM, Windows 10.0.19045, Cubase 10.5.20, Sibelius 7, VEP 5.4.16181, VIP 2.4.16399, Symphonic Cube, MIR Rooms 1-5, Suite, Choir, Organ, Imperial, Solo Voices, Dimension Strings, Historic Winds, World Winds