Nothing against Lemur for getting a first result with it.
But when it comes to the "fine-adjusting of samples" and bring them to their "maximum music" Lemur can't do magic.
My experience is that one has to be very close to each sample for such tuning tasks.
The tools you need for this are all ready for use within VI.
So why programming a controller first that it shall make a diminuendo longer when it is possible to do this directly within VIPro as well.
Today I don't use any controller - even for "drawing" velocity curves - because I always had to fine tune them afterwards by the mouse.
So today I use the mouse just from the beginning and I believe that I'm - nevertheless - faster than in the past.
In other words:
The answer from my side to the question "Lemur?" is:
Why not trying this unit but don't believe that it will solve all your problems.
Sure is that it will take another bunch of time on the way to good music with samples.
Musical results need the chose of the "right samples" in any moment and this for each instrument in the orchestra, tempo variations, a natural dynamic, an arrangement which goes along the sample possibilities, later on of course a great mix, the perfect use of effects for treating all the instruments and finally a correct mastering job.
3 minutes of music can lead to 5-10 days of work. If all things are perfect the result is unspectacular in a way it appears just as MUSIC.
Try to find out where Lemur can help in the upper listing. Important isn't one more tool (even if it looks very nice) but a lot of knowledge "how to do all these different tasks".
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/