Hi, I'm currently evaluating VE Pro/MIR - which is generally marvellous - with my toy, HAUPTWERk 4.0 (I'm a prof. organist)
Using this with VEP standalone or with Cubase works fine with the HauptWerkVST, but HW has the ability to route individual ranks to individual audio outs, which the VST cannot achieve. This seems like a great idea with MIR, as one could, potentially, route the pedals, the great and the swell divisions to separate channels and have a more realistic sound distribution... HW sees and can use my Virtual Audio Cables, but I can't seem to make Cubase see those... I thought I might be able to use the Audio Input Plugin in Cubase to route the individual audio streams from HW into MIR... is there a way to achieve this? (I'm not locked to Cubase... any solution that will work is gladly adopted :))