@Casiquire said:
That makes perfect sense and I guess I'm just spoiled in a very particular way by sample libraries that are different (not necessarily "better") than VSL. This means that I expect patches like Performance Trills and Legato to be instantly playable for almost all purposes without the need to switch articulations much, with a huge dynamic range. I'm not used to a sample library where the major strength is the large amount of articulations, even if that means greater realism. I just have to adjust my expectations a bit to really make full use of the advantages of these libraries.
There are no libraries that compete with VSL in terms of dynamic range. But if one does not switch articulations one is doing simplistic music. Drones and pads? - sure, other libraries are great for that. But in order to play realistic orchestral music you have to switch between many, many articulations. Because you are emulating 60 - 80 players who are constantly doing that all on their own, each within their own instrument's parameters. Multiply what you do in a performance exponentially, and you will arrive at an approximation of what goes on in an orchestral performance. The only library which can even approach this kind of complexity is VSL.
Nevertheless, the performance trills are completely straightforward - all you do is play them. There is no switching involved. Also, legato is similarly used. You can just play on the keyboard and get an instant realistic line for any given instrument. This is so true with legato instruments of VSL that I've developed an approach with custom patches to start first with legato, and everything else secondary. Because the legato patches give you both legato and sustain automatically, and even give a slight emphasis on the repetition of a note in an otherwise legato line. So with crossfade velocity, you can do everything in one pass for a large amount of many musical lines, then clarify the details with short notes, tremolo, etc.
The elegant interface of Vienna Ensemble simplifies this tremendously, compared with other libraries that are stuck with either Kontakt or Play or their own player, most of which are horrendously clumsy compared to VE for orchestral use. It is exceedingly diffcult to analyze exactly what is needed to access a complex array of orchestral samples in a logical, intuitive, simple way. And VSL has spent the last ten years figuring out how to do this with an amazing degree of success.