Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @DG said:

    Ah, but selling them on eBay is a different matter. They don't allow that, and there is a charge for the licence transfer (just as there is with iLok).

    Ah, I see. In that case we're back where we started. If the dongle and license are the same thing, then I have every right to sell my license, at least in the UK, without any involvement from Vienna, and certainly without any further payment, and they have no business shutting down ebay sales.

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    @DG said:

    Ah, but selling them on eBay is a different matter. They don't allow that, and there is a charge for the licence transfer (just as there is with iLok).

    Ah, I see. In that case we're back where we started. If the dongle and license are the same thing, then I have every right to sell my license, at least in the UK, without any involvement from Vienna, and certainly without any further payment, and they have no business shutting down ebay sales.


    Why do you think you are "entitled" to sell a licence in the first place? Have you tried to sell your driving licence? Good luck with that. [:D]


  • Ok, DG please, stop making absurd comparisons. The VSL license is neither a driving license nor a fridge. We know exactly what we mean with it and so do you DG. Why don't you instead tell us how much it costs Vienna to generate licenses, this would be a useful information to think about feasibility of systems such as the Waves TLC (does anyone know how much it costs?). You seem to be very well informed and somehow half way between a user and a Vienna emplyee.

    Pingu and Delavagus, why don't we start acting concretely to inform people? Originally I had thought of the website. But that takes way too much time to create and would take even longer to rank decently on google. I keep the domain just in case this thread gets deleted in which case I'd move it there.

    Why don't we instead make a clear compact list of the things that costumers are not informed about and post it as reviews to VSL in let's say 4 websites each? A review on Amazon or any of the main resellers reaches thousands of people, and I always read them before buying a product. We would then reach many more people and be much more effective without wasting too much time. We are actual costumers and we write about true stuff and reviews really help costumers to decide. I really wished I were informed at the time I purchased Vienna, I'm not a pro and didn't want to get stuck into this absurd dongle problems.

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    @clruwe said:

    I agree, but if it's not VSL or EWQL then what? I've done a lot of research and I cannot find any non-dongle alternatives... We just need to convince VSL to change.

    There are a few Kontakt libraries out there that I think seem decent that don't use dongles (no personal experience), but I don't think it's fair to bring competitors' products up on this forum.  I do, however, still believe that VSL's libraries sound better and you can't really beat VI Pro as a sample player (though Kontakt is a close second - obviously this is my opinion), but the monetary risk is just too great for me.

    They did reply to my email asking about selling my licenses and they do let you. 

    • The fees will cost me about US $200 though - 10% of retail or US $70 (50 Euro?) minimum per license - plus the loss on retail pricing I would have to take to make my offer more attractive than buying direct / retail.  I am estimating an overall ~30% loss.
    • The licenses must be sent to the "new owner" already on a key
    • Full licenses cannot be split into Standard / Extended.  Lastly, you cannot offer your licenses / DVDs / etc on auction sites (such as eBay) - they must be sold privately.

    I must say, I was rather surpised they let sell you licenses, but the fees are steep.

    On the flip side, I do have a few EWQL licenses as well (these absolutely cannot be transferred).  I don't use them because the PLAY engine is so weak and v 3.x is a nasty joke of a bugfest that is hit or miss as to which machine it will work on.  What a miserable mistake it was to buy EWQL "stuff".

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    @Another User said:

    Why don't you instead tell us how much it costs Vienna to generate licenses, this would be a useful information to think about feasibility of systems such as the Waves TLC (does anyone know how much it costs?). You seem to be very well informed and somehow half way between a user and a Vienna employee.



    How would I know how much it costs to generate licences? Of course I'm well informed. I'm a professional, and do my research before buying any equipment or software. That doesn't make me an employee; just someone with a bit of experience and intelligence. I do spend a lot of time on this forum helping people, unlike some others who seem to join this forum just to complain. However, I do think it's a bit selfish for some new members of the forum (and I'm not talking about you) to expect other members of the forum to rise up and support them, when they've given nothing to the community.

    However I certainly wouldn't want VSL to go down the same route as the Waves Extortion Plan. Nether would I want them to go down the route of East West, where you can't sell any of their products, even though they use an iLok.


  • That's right, I am not a professional and I did not buy a professional product: I bought SE wich was explicitely aimed at non professionals

    "It is the ideal, resource-saving companion for orchestral arrangements on the laptop, or for newcomers to the world of Vienna Instruments, offering a useful cross-section of Vienna Symphonic Library’s over one million samples."

    I thus do not want to have to deal with the hassle of a pro. I want a product that I can use when I travel (as suggested by the SE description, you should use it on a laptop!), not that I have to keep locked at home. I really don't know where I could have read about the key problems, since it was not written anywhere (OK, now they are, since this thread was created).

    Anyone is welcome to join this discussion, independently to how much he/she "contributed" on this forum. We are not building an open-source project, here we are discussing about the money we earned.

    One more thing: if I loose my driving license I go to the police station certify the loss and get a new one, I'm not asked to redo the test.

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    @DG said:

    It's hardly absurd. A licence is a licence, but for some reason you seem to think that you are entitled to sell a VSL licence, whereas you would never think of selling a driving licence. Or a TV licence for that matter

    That's exactly my point. Not only would you not think of selling your driving or tv license, but you literally can't, since they are completely intangible. The piece of plastic that represents premission for me to drive is only a representation. If I lose it the DLV will supply another copy - they will charge an admin fee, but they don't tell me that my permission to drive is gone, and claim that I have to start all over again.

    According to VSL the dongle is not just a representation of your license, but actually is the license. It's no longer an intangible thing, represented by an object, but actually is the object. And, as I said before, I'm entitled to sell any physical item that I own. So they've put themselves on very dodgy ground.

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    @cesare.magri said:


    One more thing: if I loose my driving license I go to the police station certify the loss and get a new one, I'm not asked to redo the test.


    And the new licence is free? It certainly isn't in the UK.


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    @DG said:

    It's hardly absurd. A licence is a licence, but for some reason you seem to think that you are entitled to sell a VSL licence, whereas you would never think of selling a driving licence. Or a TV licence for that matter

    That's exactly my point. Not only would you not think of selling your driving or tv license, but you literally can't, since they are completely intangible. The piece of plastic that represents premission for me to drive is only a representation. If I lose it the DLV will supply another copy - they will charge an admin fee, but they don't tell me that my permission to drive is gone, and claim that I have to start all over again.

    According to VSL the dongle is not just a representation of your license, but actually is the license. It's no longer an intangible thing, represented by an object, but actually is the object. And, as I said before, I'm entitled to sell any physical item that I own. So they've put themselves on very dodgy ground.


     And this is why I think that it is fair that VSL allows you to sell your licence, even though other companies, that also use dongles for their software, may not. However, I don't think that VSL should be out of pocket, if Steinberg charges an admin fee.

    Now as to how much the fee should be; I'm certainly more in your camp on that one. However, I have no idea how much Steiny charges, or how much admin is caused on the VSL side, so I can't really speculate as to whether or not it is fair.

    I also think that VSL should have some special sort of insurance that they can recommend to their users, for those people who for some reason are unable to sort it out themselves. That would help, I think.


  • Anyway, comparing the VSL license to anything else is simply pure speculation. Let's not get lost on fruitless things, and let's instead focus on concrete things: the only thing that matters is the fact that Vienna imposes to costumers strict limitations without informing them at the time of buying. The only thing that matters now is informing other people before they purchase something they were not given enough information about.

    Thus, Pingu and Delavagus, what do you think of the review proposal? Reviews were made for this, to help possible buyers make infomed decisions. We could chose the 12 main resellers (4 for each of us), prepare a compact but clear description of the problems and post it. It will take us a few minutes each. Doing it together will make it look as a more reliable complain than just one "angry" reviewer writing around. I think it can really make the difference saving people from making an uninformed choice on how to spend one or two months wages.

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    @DG said:

    However, I don't think that VSL should be out of pocket, if Steinberg charges an admin fee.

    No I wouldn't want to see VSL out of pocket either. For all that I think their business practise is unethical (and more because they simply haven't thought it through, rather than because they set out to be unethical) I still want to see them succeed, since their products are great. On the other hand, I don't think Steinberg should have any say here either, and there should be no transfer fee at all.

    If my permission to use the samples is intangible, and lives somewhere in the ether, then I would fully understand, since I would need Steinberg / VSL to transfer records of who they regard as having that permission. But when it becomes a thing there is no longer any need. There are a finite number of dongles out there, they can only be used in one PC at a time, and it's really none of their business who has them. The policy on theft is a confirmation of this. If my dongle is stolen then the letter of the law (although I realise Vienna have been persuaded to act slightly more reasonably in some cases) is that my license is simply gone. The only logic I can think that Vienna are applying is that there is now a new user, and giving me replacement licenses would mean there are more users out there than there are people who've payed up. So, in effect, they've transferred my license to the thief, merely by dint of him having my dongle. So I'm darned if I can't do the same without having to tell them.

  • I am writing a short piece for Wikipedia (for the criticism section in the VSL wkipedia page). I'll post it here first for comments and suggestions: it should be well written, correct and fair.


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    @cesare.magri said:

    I want a product that I can use when I travel (as suggested by the SE description, you should use it on a laptop!), not that I have to keep locked at home.

    not sure if i understand your intention - it is exactly the ViennaKey which allows you to take the license with you wherever you travel to and on whatever computer you like to use ist.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @clruwe said:

    Yes I see... I should've google it before posting. You can only use one set of licenses per computer i.e. you cannot separate libraries. I understand the issue better now.

    not correct in this sense. you can seperate collections (which may consist of a standard and an extended library) to different computers - that's one of the benefits of VE PRO, use strings on one computer and woodwinds on another.

    however you cannot *double* a license for a certain collection to use it on 2 computers simultaneously.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    They really need to choose which way they want it - either the license is intangible, and thus untransferrable, (but also unloseable, unstealable, and impossible to damage), or it's a piece of hardware, and can be lost, but I can also sell it.

    a license can never be a piece of hardware because it is immaterial by design.

    a not transferrable license does not imply a piece of hardware would be unloseable or unstealable.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • No no, VSL was extremely clear on this when I asked them by email: the dongle IS the license and when you loose it you lose the license (I still have the email in which they write it). Dot.

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    @Cyril said:

    VSL have to find a solution so that they can de-activate a stolen USB key.

    that's agreat idea ... we put a GPS receiver, a battery and a GSM module onto every ViennaKey to allow execution of what you're asking for ... unfortuantely the ViennaKey would cost some 100 euro then, but who cares ...


    (who' finding sarcasm here is entitled to keep it)

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    The most valuable part of our products is the license which is stored on the key.


    and as far as i can see a very special and most valuable solution has been the result in your case.

    if you're indeed as unhappy as im reading out of your posts i'll suggest our sales team to refuse such concessions in the future for similar cases.

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Come on, an optional (only for those who want it) call home system for those who would be interested in the service would be extremely easy to implement. There is simply no will to do it.

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    @cm said:

    i would really ask you to cite correctly and not throwing fog

    Here I cite "correctly":

    "Generally, you didn't purchase the software or the samples itself, but the license (!) to use the software and the samples in your projects. This license is stored on your key, and by loosing the key, you also lost the license to use the product."

    sent to me by Stefan Steinbauer on May 27th 2010