Without more detailed information, that is a question that really cannot be answered (and not one that I would really be qualified to answer). For that question to be answered - and the extent to which a laptop may work for you - it would be important to know many more details about how you plan to use VSL in a live situation. "Big" as initially stated implies problems - hence our responses, while "a couple of backing tracks" would likely work.
Note also that problems exist with using a new laptop. The biggest is that firewire audio interfaces generally do not work well - the type of firewire chips commonly used are known bad things. If you really have to use a laptop, and have a good sized budget, it would well be worth finding a company that specializes in building computers for use with VSL, and laptopls in particular, and purchasing from someone on that list. VSL does suggest a couple of vendors, but the address of that page escapes me at the moment.