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  • That's as always really a matter of taste, but the teldex studio and even every venue of the ORF studios is uniquely. IMHO the choice of the venue is very depends on the music material - so I think it's always good to have a wide range of possibilities. I find myself constantly alternate using all three roompacks, ' cause the venues of every roompack are very well selected for different requirements.

    Finally speaking for myself, I find that the teldex studio has rounded off the options of the venues. So I find it very useful - for some kind of music.


  • Hi Agostino,

    I'm away of only one click to buy this wonderful product. Just a question since you own it, possibly a silly question: how you construct for example a wind quintet or a mixed octet ? I have seen only three templates and when I tried the demo, I was more into how it sounds rather to think of constructing different arrangements?

    Many Thanks 


  • Oh..and another thing; I've seen that with full MIR.1.2 the VI pro is also integrated; but how about  MIR SE, it has the same feature ? 



  • Hi Bogdan, If you are only one click away from buying the product, the word "buying" says that I personally have said enough (too much a responsability)...there are trial versions of many products, and it's also a matter of taste...

    In general, the great thing of these times is that you can turn your musical ideas into sounds in just a few minutes (ok, I read this in another thread)...but if you want to achieve the perfect mix, I am not a professional and can't give you any advice.

    Ciao :)

  • Hi Agostino,

    Please, don't worry about "making " me to buy this software :)), I already took this decision few weeks ago. It was just a question about constructing different ensembles with MIR SE, and not achieving the perfect fact, honestly, which is the "perfect mix"? ;). Definitely, the message was intended to find out more about this feature, and not to involve someone and make him/her responsible for my actions. So, if you are willing to share how you construct different instruments arrangements with MIR SE is ok, if not, is ok also:)

    I'm really sorry if my message was taken as inappropriate, it was really meant to provide me only some details from the ones who already own MIR SE

    All the best,


  •  bogdan, I would suggest that you read through the MIR (and MIR SE) manual.  It spells things out very well.  While templates are included that can get you started, you will usually be needing to create your own, as any particular piece might require a completely different instrument group.

    It is very easy to set up unique templates for any sort of ensemble you might need.  All you have to do is add an instrument, position it where you want it on the stage, and then create a matrix of whatever patches you need for that instrument.  Do so for each instrument, and you are done.  You can save each template you make for future use.

  • Bogdan, all your questions are perfectly valid - no need to be shy. :-)

    If you want to get a feel about the basic sound of a Venue, you can always listen to the pre-rendered "Previews" we supply for MIR's Room Editor window as well as online: ->  [URL][/URL]

    Of course, there are complete musical demos available, too, for example here:  ->  [URL][/URL]

    Personally, the Teldex Recording Hall is maybe the most versatile Venue available for MIR right now, and for my ears it sounds _awsome_, for single instruments as well as for big orchestras. :-)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Oh - I forgot to tell you that VI Pro works within MIR SE too as soon as the engine has found a valid license on your dongle.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hey,

    Thanks Dietz and Noldar 12, 

    I remained out of questions and I'm also happy to know that everything is exactly how I imagined.

     err....there is still one:  where in the world is my credit card? :))...just kidding !!

    All the best


  • Hi Bogdan, No problem at all, i didn't take your message as inappropriate. My last reply was because I have seen many threads in this and other forums, where the subject was "how to achieve that particular sound".

    I have purchased Mir just about one month ago, and haven't yet tried the instruments configuration that you are trying to obtain. But in this site you can download some "positioning templates" that maybe can help you. Otherwise just position the instruments according to their traditional location in the stage, i.e. strings quartet etc.".

    I hope this helped a little, bye have a nice day!