Will you guys have updated manuals in the user download section soon? I'd like to see the specifics on the updated versions before upgrading. Thanks.
This is great news - a way to get stopped horns and muted Tuba without getting the full Brass1 library....
However before I go ahead, following me getting a bunch of download brass just before Dimension brass was announced... could VSL confirm whether there are any plans for a muted dimension brass or Full muted brass library in the near future?
I worded the post wrong. When I look at the amount for the basic download, not the extended, it's still showing full price even though I already have that. I understand that I would pay full price for the extended part. Shouldn't it show $0 for the basic download as I already have it?
OK, I see. If you are logged in, all the download libraries where you already have registered a standard library should only offer you the "extended buy button" (the "full buy button" should be greyed out). At least this is the behaviour on my account. This setup should prevent you for erroneous paying twice for the standard content.
Is this different at your desk?
Hi, I've just a quick question about the runs and arpeggios in the extended libraries ('Flute 1' for example). Are they automatically time-synced to the host tempo, or do I have to bounce it to audio first and use my sequencers built in time-stretch algorithm to get the appropriate tempo? Thanks in advance!
This is a pitty
Can "Martin", the genius programmer, find a solution so it is tempo related [;)]
Technically, this is not a question of programming, it´s about reliably analyzing the recorded tempo all tempo-based articulations in our 1,7 million sample library (some release notes are a bit longer, some decays will be a bit shorter, it´s not a trivial trask), including a check of all these articulations and importing the data in the already encrypted database.
Also, an orchestra shouldn´t be a drum machine, and the recorded repetitions are much closer to musical "perfection" than most real players in a live orchestra will ever be [;)]
The time-stretsching option in VI PRO or in your sequencer will easily give you the results you´d like to hear.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Been waiting for my 3+1 order for 7 days now, no download links yet. This is very uncommon for VSL who ususally process orders right away. I heard that there were IT problems but not for a whole week? No reply from VSL sales since 4 days, this is strange.
In case you are looking for your downloaded instrument.
They are not in the Downloaded Instruments but are in :
/B - Woodwind
/C - Brass
Also don't forget to run Directory Manager
Has anybody downloading the Bass Tuba ?