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  • PLAY v2.1.2 Problem - Product Does Not Exist

    I've been having major problems with the latest EW Play update which have involved me un-installing and then re-installing all my EW libraries and the current update. Yes, that was fun! Although Play standalone loads instruments fine I can not get the plugin to load into VE pro. I just get the message "Product does not exist" and"check installation". My copy of Kontakt (+libraries) loads fine so the problem appears to involve the interaction of Play and VE Pro. I've emailed EW support so will probably get a response in 10 days or so; in the meantime, has anybody here experienced this and, if so, how have you fixed it? Setup: VEPro Server (Windows 64bit build 7644) on i7 PC with 12Gb RAM, Windows 7 - all used to work fine. I've re-added my sample directories using the Directory Manager (which, btw, constantly hangs with each add) and they are showing up in the DM window. VST plugins and the EasWest plugin folder appear to be correctly populatyed with the relevant dll and VST plugs. I'm at a loss as to what to try next so any assistance welcome!

  • Hi spwwuk,

    sorry to hear about your troubles. Did you try to open PLAY in a 32-bit instance of VE PRO?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi paul I'm running a 64bit system. Will the 32bit version of VEP install? Cheers S

  • Why are you running 32-bit VEP? You should be running the 64-bit version so Play can run as 64-bit, not much point in having 12Gb RAM if you are in 32-bit mode. You can run the 32-bit VEP server, so that 32-bit programs (like Sibelius) can access the 64-bit plug ins.

    Your problem is likely to be to do with 32-bit vs 64-bit  mix up

  • I am running 64bit VEP on my 64bit system - that is why I set this PC up to run W7 64bit. Play is 64bit compatible and certainly runs in standalone mode that way, just not as a plugin in VEP. I think the problem lies in the Play install but I can't find that out (probably) without diving into the registry - and then I'd have to know exactly what I was looking for.

  • Hi,

    AKAIK, PLAY works fine as a 64-bit plug-in on Windows 7 64 bit, at least we have not heard of any troubles in the last months.

    Please make sure that you´re using the latest versions of all software!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Post if you have trouble with Play. I beta allot of software and own all the Vienna suite software. If I can re-create the problem i will bug it and get it fixed. Software guys want everyone to work together without tape-ing aspirin all over the screen. Kind Regards, B

  • Make sure to have the latest Syncrosoft and iLok drivers installed too.

    I am having no problem loading Play into 32-bit VE Pro on a Mac (I know that may not help much but it's something.)

  • Thanks for the replies, people. I'm running the latest versions of all applications concerned - including eLicenser & iLok software Neither 64bit nor 32bit versions of VEP will load into Play. Play Standalone works fine. My Kontakt 4 loads into VEP fine in both standalone and server mode. I'm afraid I'm still clueless as to what's causing this!

  • At this point I would say this is a Play/EastWest issue because very few - if any - other people are having problems. Have you raised this issue with tech support over there?

  • Absolutely. Before I posted here. EW support is taking somewhat longer to reply than contributors here. Currently still waiting.................

  • Finally got it sorted with this piece of advice from EW Techsupport: When you open Play in Standalone mode, go to Settings >Other and check to see what library is showing in Play Interface. Make sure that the first library selected there is a library that you own. If it is one that you don't have, it will give that same error message when you try to open it as the vst.

  • For future issues with VE Pro and Logic, you can write Jay is a Certified Level 2 Logic trainer who now does this kind of troubleshooting separate from tech support.

  • Thanks but I should have mentioned: I use Pro Tools HD, not Logic. I'm sure this bit of info will help someone though.