Yes, It would be great to both speed up the production process via usable presets while simultaneously refreshing the value of all the existing VSL sample libraries.
Potential new users will hear from existing users of the power of VI Pro and the carefully crafted existing libraries. VSL should see more sales of most current libraries. How high these sales will go depend heavily on the marketing and communication skills of the people in Vienna itself.
The current dozen new videos help a great deal in explaining the power of the new features in VI Pro. In the past VSL has seemed to have taken the point of view that explaining too much about their products would in some ways limit the creativity of what the customer could or should be able to come up with on their own.
If VSL were to create quick new videos (they don't necessarily have to be works of high technical excellence - just something that speaks clearly and frankly to the heart of existing and new customers) for many of the new presets and deliver them at the same time....then you would have a level of personal communication that we've not seen heretofore from VSL.
Refer to videos done recently by smaller sample library developers like Cinesamples and Tonehammer. These are informal, informative and enlightening. They really peke the interest of the potential customer and ellicit emotional response.
We think you have something really exciting here. It would be great to see you make the most of it.
What's in it for me? Well, you'll make a lot of money and stay in business for a long time making me really good libraries and software.