Right, but then why not just letting users choose between a "call-home" system and a "keep it in the vault" system?
I keep the Vienna key in my keychain and connect it directly to my laptop. I've never read of hub or "dongle buddies" in the VSL system requirements. I don't want to be slave of the key. I bought the product, I just want to use it simply and anywhere...why do they have to make me go through all these troubles for something that I've honestly purchased?
I think that a Waves-like system woudl be just fine for many users. An IP-specific system just sounds impossible to implement: some people don't have fixed IP addresses, plus I want to be able to use the software wherever I go.
The truth is that, honestly, if I had known of all these key-related issues, I would have never spent my money on SE, that is the unfair part. I'm not saying it is a bad product cause it is not at all! but the Vienna key system is just not fair to the costumers: If I had seen a page like the one you've posted the link to on the Vienna website, well, I would have simply ran away...
A question, which copy protection do other libraries tipycally use?