VE Pro [FEATURE REQUEST] - Make channel INACTIVE option
Background: In many hosts, there is a "freeze track", or "render track" command -- which essentially writes the VI to audio. In ProTools, we accomplish this by bussing the output of the VI to a disk track and then making the source track with the VI "inactive" (control-command-click, or use the contextual menu command) -- thus freeing system resources for other things.
When using VE Pro as a slave, once we are happy with a performance, it is a good thing to print the output of VE Pro to tracks (most major labels demand fully printed VI tracks as audio as part of delivery specs) - BUT ------ once a track is printed or frozen, the VE Pro slave is still using 100% of the resources of the slave machine to keep the patch loaded. Granted, there is a very powerful "optimize" function, which is great, but it still keeps some of the samples and system resources loaded, and it is only good for VSL VI.
FEATURE REQUEST: We need the ability to "DEACTIVATE" or "DISABLE" or "Make Track Inactive" in-place, with a simple click or command. (and then re-activate the track on command as well if needed). This will work on any track in VE Pro. ProTools has this command and it is very useful.
The current workaround is to create/save a Channel Set, then delete the channel set, then save-as the viframe and take good notes and file naming all the way. Not really efficient.
Another workaround is to have limitless resources on slave machines -- but that's not really practical, or economically viable for all.
If VE Pro had the "Make Track Inactive" function (and freeing up all resources used by the inactive tracks), we can "print" or "freeze" at any time, restore resources, keep working. Yes, there are workarounds, but it would be much faster and more intuitive to NOT have to delete tracks from VE Pro instances. Inactive tracks would be "dimmed" or other visual indication that they are not "active", but they still would "be there", but not in use.
Anyone else feel this is an important workflow function? Please let VSL know this is important to you. Else, tell me how you deal with this as your sessions grow and resources get used.