Hi Jack,
here are some answers:
"Here’s my first one. Full Mac 64-bit support means what? Will the Mac version do everything that the PC version will? Can I load up as much RAM as is on my computer? (Will I need Snow Leopard for this?)"
=> Yes, you can load as many samples as you have RAM available with VE Pro, just as you can with the PC 64 bit version (works with VE 3 already).This feature also works with Leopard.
"What is Selective Project Merging? It sounds very hopeful. What does it do?"
=> You can merge VE projects into VE PRO, this will add your Vienna Instruments of the merged project to your VE Pro project.
"How is the timing latency with plugs like Omnisphere and RMX that require tempo information from the master computer's DAW?"
=> This works fine with the slave mode host tempo synchronization. Latency only plays a role when playing live, the latency compensation takes care of recorded MIDI.
"I look forward to seeing your new interface. I’m glad you’re taking the opportunity to maximize your new friends by offering the sample package.
How about a picture of the new interface?"
=> We´re still finetuning here - pictures and videos are already in preparation and will be online asap.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support