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  • When the future is around a one month time-lapse... a call it "be screwed". And, for your information, we're not talking about hardware here.

  • that's true. f.e., i bought a ssl duende. A month later they drop the price with 300 euros. That's live. If you can wait with buying, wait. If you need it now, buy it.

  • Right, hardware is a more tricky market, as the products can get cheaper when the production workflow makes breakthrough espacially at the component providers level for instance (chipset, displays, memory ... ). Market scaling up has the same kind of consequence on hardware products prices.
    That's what happens with Apple iPhone, never the less early customers were very upset. Then Apple has made an offer to compensate the fall of its iPhone price.
    But since we're talking about software the story isn't the same at all (And I know what I'm talking about here).

    The important point in this story is that people at VSL have said on those forums that THERE WILL NOT BE a hard boxed package for SE upgrades, then they change their mind, and make it even cheaper all this in a monthly time-lapse, with no compensation at all.

    Some companies are fair (ie Toontracks) some aren't at all and seem to behave erratically (ie VSL).

    If VSL guys don't make us an offer in the next weeks, I'm done with this company.

  • I agree with the sentiments shown in this thread.  I had Opus and then paid for the same samples again with VI SE.  Now I am expected to pay more than a new (bundle) customer to add the PLUS library!?


  •  I'm also in the same position as Justin and feel the same way. The bottom line is this. If the Plus package was available at a discount to existing users I would buy now. As it is I shall wait and see if I really need it, in the meantime VSL could have made a sale and have the money in the bank now instead of hoping I might buy at a later date. I suspect that a number of people are in the same position.


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    @Justin Matthews said:

    I had Opus and then paid for the same samples again with VI SE

    please do not post such a misleading information - the upgrade from opus (38.000 samples) to the Special Edition (75.000 samples) is EUR 390.-


    the price for opus 1 has been ~ EUR 900.- (or during the sale at least EUR 725.-), the price for additional 37.000 samples is 390.-, so i can't find something with that beeing a bad deal ...


    btw: it seems you have not registered your Special Edition Extended library yet ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @manu_28410 said:

    people at VSL have said on those forums that THERE WILL NOT BE a hard boxed package for SE upgrades

    manu, i can't remember such a statement, actually martin announced that SE PLUS will be available on DVD - AFAIR the only respective answer has been, that users who have downloaded the Orchestra SE PLUS sections cannot receive a DVD later (because the license is different)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @manu_28410 said:

    Some companies are fair (ie Toontracks) some aren't at all and seem to behave erratically (ie VSL).

    If VSL guys don't make us an offer in the next weeks, I'm done with this company.


    now noticing your last lines (not the first of this kind btw) i'm asking myself if this is a request or a tactless try of blackmailing ... at least it is not the style of conversation or consideration one would usually tend to listen to ...



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    manu, i can't remember such a statement,
    Have a look here, that was your words:
    So ? You didn't change your mind, do you ?
    If I knew at that time that there will be a DVD release I will not have start to download SE Plus...

  • At that time nobody in our company did expect a DVD Special Edition PLUS product.

    So yes; I've changed my mind. I don't think that it is forbidden to change minds?

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    Mr Herb,

    I'm pleased with your decision to offer us SE+ on DVD.

    Thanks a lot.

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    ... and you noticed the statement was (december)

    @cm said:

    no plans for a DVD currently

    and not *there will never be a Special Edition PLUS on DVD*

    btw: if you'd ask now *will the concert guitar be avilable on DVD* my answer would be *no plans for a DVD currently*

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    now noticing your last lines (not the first of this kind btw) i'm asking myself if this is a request or a tactless try of blackmailing ... at least it is not the style of conversation or consideration one would usually tend to listen to ...


    Christian, I'm not blackmailing.
    I just says that I'm very unpleasantly surprised by your price policy — that's something I never seen before in my life — although I thought you were fair before I start to buy your products (your "never buy a sample twice ..." moto).
    You're the ones responsable of the image you give away, especially on those forum where users who cares try too communicate with you.
    I've always said that I find that your products are amazing, I'm still thinking the same way, and that's the opinion I spread around me.
    I think now that your price policy on SE is not respectful with early customers, I try, with other, to push you to understand that your behavior is very singular. If you won't change your mind, as you've made for other customers, I will add a huge "BUT" to my previous statement, and, of course stop buying your products. This is obvious.
    This is not blackmail, this is just ... life.

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    @herb said:

    So yes; I've changed my mind. I don't think that it is forbidden to change minds?
    You guys are amazing ...
    How to explain to people not living on the same planet... let me try this : for a company changing its mind might be, very, very, tricky.
    especially after they start to sell the product, without a proposal to early buyers.
    And by the way, that's why they never do it.

    You're just ... irrationals, but only on a greedy way... and I'll never forget that.
    Bye Bye.