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  • Is VI/VE and Cubase 4 freeze-function supposed to work

    Sorry, that I have to bug again and again... but except for stevesong I didn't get an answer to this question.

    Should the freeze-function and the non-realtime-export in cubase 4 work with Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble or not?

    Missing streaming-parts over and over.

    - Is the streaming-concept not designed for being used with freeze function? 

    - Does it work most of the time but not for stevesong and myself?

    - Is it a problem with Cubase in particular?

    - Does the freeze-function work for other hosts (Sonar, Logic...)?

    I am not willing to buy more VI-Products as long as I do not know how I could work with it.

    Fiddling around with VI/VE is great.

    But in a production-concept it still doesn't work. I will stay with K2/Opus1 until I get an answer.

    Even the answer "C4-Vi-Freeze does not work" would be satisfying so I know I have to go a different way.

    Or the answer "it usually works, get your Installation fixed" would be ok too. 

    cm? herb? anyone else from VSL?

    Cheers, Angel 

  • Hi Angel,

    I haven´t had any troubles with freezing tracks in Cubase 4 so far... 

    Which OS are you using? PC?

    Which version of Cubase 4? 

    Latest versions of both Vienna Ensemble and Vienna Instruments?

    Thanks for the additional info, this way we can test faster.



    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi Paul,

    thanks for the answer. I am glad freeze SHOULD work. Now I have enough power for further investigations :)


    Cubase C4 4.1.0 Build 726 before, now 4.1.2 (same problem, but 4.1.2 is constantly crashing while freezing... even with K2)
    AMD Athlon 64bit 3500+ (2.21GHz), 2 GB Ram (Corsair PC3200), Win XP Prof 32bit SP2, MSI K8N Mainboard
    SATA Harddrives
    Pagefile fixed 2048MB before, now trying with NO pagefile (but same problem)
    RME Hammerfall 9652, NVidia Geforce 6600GT 

    Latest versions of VI and VE

    Cheers, Angel 

  • Actually, I am having the same problem. I get this even if I export to .wav. I am still using Cubase 4.1,as I am not convinced that 4.1.2  is  stable enough and most of my system is pretty 4.1.I have only tried exporting stereo 32bit floating files. I'll try some others and let ya know how it goes.

    My specs:

    C 4.1

    Latest VE

    Latest Syncrosoft,

    AMD 64 3500+([+o(])

    2 gigs PC3200ram[^o)]

    XP Home

    Gigabyte GA-K8N-Pro SLI

    Hmm,there are some similarities in our systems. Anyway,I hope this helps the VSL R&D team.



  • same problem here - though on a mac

    i am currently on a macbook pro 2ghz core duo with 2gig ram, osx 10.4.11

    when i try to freeze (cubase 4.1.2 and before) the streaming part of the sounds ist often missing - same with non-realtime exports.

    i found it to often be a driver issue - when i use my internal audia drivers for export it "sometimes" works. by the way - i am using a m-audio firewire410.

    i thought it might be due to my "non professional" setup - however - getting new mac pro (octo-core, 8gig ram) soon - then i shall know ;)

    until then - it really is a pain in the ****  

    however - good to know you guys have the same issues on the pc platform.. so i as a mac user don't feel neglected ;)

    cheers from austria


  • Since Mac changed to intel-processors we (PC and MAC users) started to have something in common(!): PROBLEMS! :) 

  • Okay, I am back. After a quick test, itis definitely ONLY VE(latest release is what I tested) that is a problem,at least on my system. I tried freeze with VI and a couple of other synths and they are good. It doesn't matter as to the bit depth. The results are the same. BTW, I am using and M-Audio 24/96 with the latest XP drivers. Exporting audio, however seems to work depending on which patches I used.[^o)] Portamento was okay,but legato was not...? Anyhow, tha,tha,that's all I have for now.


  • now that you say it.. i also seem to have problems with legato performances only.

    however - i have those prolbems with vi instances as well. only realtime export does it for me.. or using the integrated audio chip (of my macbook pro).

    it is a funny problem and i know it has been discussed here before and no solution has been found so far. i guess since no one can track down the original cause.

    at least now we kno it does not have to do with the os, specific audio hardware or drivers or specific patches. might have to do with legato performances?

    changing buffers sice also never changed anything for me.



  • I don't have a problem with VI and certain samples when I render audio,but freeze is still a bit strange. Let's keep this one going if posible b/c this could influence how quickly I buy more VSL products AND how quickly I try to build a mega -ram built system. So many toys and sooo little $$$$[:(]

    Thanks everyone!!!


  • Update: Since installation of Cubase 4.1.3 , the freeze-function works nearly perfect. I exchanged the Vienna Ensemble with single VI-Instrumenttracks and now I am able to freeze single instruments WITHOUT a problem!!

    Vienna Ensemble is NOT working with freeze though. Missing release parts everywhere.

    I don't know, if the performance goes down a lot when using instrument-tracks instead of VI-plugs in the vsti-rack or VE, but now I am able to work at all again :)

    Anyone else discovered the vi-freeze-is-working-with-C4.1.3??


    EDIT: Mixdown works perfectly too 

  •  Hello,

    It seems that I have a similar problem with Logic 7 pro :

    When I do some tracks exports of VI, I can have some problem as if the instruments were played with "errors", or "audio note off" .

    I have a Mac pro dual core 2,66 with 7gig RAM, with Tiger. In the same session (22 min. duration), I work with several instances of Kontakt 2, EXS24, and VI.

    When I export my files ( to be mixed in protools ) no problem with Kontaks or EXS24. But with VI, I'm obliged to export track by track, if I don't want  having problem ( and sometimes I can have some with only one track exported !). Is it a known problem ?



  • uhm....erm... I just stumbled over the vi and ve updates and while eating my nightmeal I just tried to freeze an old project (the one I could not work with anymore some days ago)...

    I did a freeze of the vienna ensemble and made a mixdown per vnc just being bored.... and what can I say?

    Freeze WORKS now with Vienna Ensemble!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will give it a few more tries, but my jaw dropped to the floor. I thought, Version2 just improved freezing for Mac???

    Hey VSL-Guys (and Girls)... I love you! :) 

  • That's good news! Is it still working? I have been considering updating C4 to 4.1.3, but I am not convinced that it will be trouble free and since all of my other synths are working with C4, I figured I might just get used to working around the VI issue,but if you are having success with C4.1.3, I might take a chance. Glad to hear that this might work. Keep us posted.


  • Hi Luces,

    I am glad to tell that after several hours of freezing/unfreezing using 2 VE-Instances instead of 11 VI-Instances (switched from the single-VI-Setup to the VE-Setup while working on n orchestral cue) I am very happy to see, that VE is really capable of being frozen.

    Don't take my experience as a "GO" to update a system you are able to work with. C4.1.3 is NOT perfect yet. It DOES have several (not really) funny probs with freeze. e.g. after a reload of a cue with frozen instruments, the tracks seem not to be in freezemode anymore- the midi-regions are not locked and editable again though the freeze-file is played. This is not really a problem, but a really ugly habit.

    But sometimes a track doesn't react on pushing the freeze button. It simply doesn't freeze.

    I even had the problem, that some tracks couldn't be unfrozen (had a country-track with several VSTIs). No reaction either.

    And last but not least. I am working on a 30th Swing-Piece for a computer game and have several SpecialEdition Sax-Patches loaded. When editing the voicings and controllerdata I had up to 15 Crashes of Cubase(!!!). But only yesterday and only with this song.

    Final word: Vienna Ensemble seems to work perfectly. Cubase 4.1.3 ist better than the version before (especially the freeze-function works - at least it doesn't crash anymore) but it still has dirty to severe problems.

    If you DO update your system...well... you have to decide ;-)

    Cheers, Angel 

    P.S.: Yes, I am working on a lot of different songs/cues/pieces at the same time ;-) 

  • Hmmm. This is good news and bad news. So, in your opinion, is the C4.1.3 better than the previous version you had installed or is it worse? Besides some of the freeze functions acting strange, what are some of the other "bugs" or problems you have noticed with C4.1.3?

    Thanks,for your help.


  • It's definitely better than the 4.1.2 but I think worse than the previous version (4.1.0?).

    4.1.2 was a nightmare.

    I have the feeling some vsti settings are not properly set when reloading a project but I am not completely sure. I will do further investigations about that.

    4.1.3 is a step in the right direction but I fear it's a long way to go, before Cubasebecomes completely stable again.

    The cubase-forum is full of angry people. But those who have nothing to complain about, are making music instead of posting in threads :) 

    Cheers, Angel

    P.S.: I will post further experiences. 

  • Sorry for spamming again ;)

    But working with the actual VE-Software for several weeks I can say: The freezing works absolutely perfectly!!!