Hi Luces,
I am glad to tell that after several hours of freezing/unfreezing using 2 VE-Instances instead of 11 VI-Instances (switched from the single-VI-Setup to the VE-Setup while working on n orchestral cue) I am very happy to see, that VE is really capable of being frozen.
Don't take my experience as a "GO" to update a system you are able to work with. C4.1.3 is NOT perfect yet. It DOES have several (not really) funny probs with freeze. e.g. after a reload of a cue with frozen instruments, the tracks seem not to be in freezemode anymore- the midi-regions are not locked and editable again though the freeze-file is played. This is not really a problem, but a really ugly habit.
But sometimes a track doesn't react on pushing the freeze button. It simply doesn't freeze.
I even had the problem, that some tracks couldn't be unfrozen (had a country-track with several VSTIs). No reaction either.
And last but not least. I am working on a 30th Swing-Piece for a computer game and have several SpecialEdition Sax-Patches loaded. When editing the voicings and controllerdata I had up to 15 Crashes of Cubase(!!!). But only yesterday and only with this song.
Final word: Vienna Ensemble seems to work perfectly. Cubase 4.1.3 ist better than the version before (especially the freeze-function works - at least it doesn't crash anymore) but it still has dirty to severe problems.
If you DO update your system...well... you have to decide ;-)
Cheers, Angel
P.S.: Yes, I am working on a lot of different songs/cues/pieces at the same time ;-)