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  • Yes, now I hit CTRL ALT DEL  and shutdown svldeamon.exe in taskmanager before shutting down. But sometimes I forget and then there is no way back. Because there's no phisical keyboard and mouse connected to the system.

    Gr Martijn

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    Martijn, how is the shutdown process initiated? i have quite some machines running *headless* (no mouse and keyboard attached) with a running vsldaemon, but as daryl using windows remote desktop.

    maybe you could find out more sending a shutdown command via network (open a command prompt, type shutdown -m \\computername)

    if that works than your currently used method keeps something open accessing the vsldaemon


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I upgraded one of my VE and have the same problem. vsldeamon hangs the shut down process.

  • could you please post version number and operating system as well as how you shutdown your system?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Vienna Ensemble v2 build 2870 on windows XP. I shut down the way I've always done on all my machines. I quit V-Stack, then after VE and V-Stack shut down I exit Vienna Ensemble Service. All looks fine to this point. I then shut down the machine. Now, ever since upgrading VE 2870, I get a error message on shut down that the VSLdaemon is not responding to shut down. I have to click to force shutdown.

  • I've been getting this too since the VE update.

    OS = XP Home


  • Same here on XPx64. Quit all applications, shut down and VSL deamon hangs.


  • Same here after latest update (2870) on XP 64 on 2 different PC's. Didn't happen on prior version with either machine so a bug obviously.

  • I'm having the same problem. Only occured after the update to build 2870. I'm using Windows XP Home. On shutdown I have to manually end the process when it hangs.

  • Any word from the VSL team about this bug?

  • No word from VSL team yet. But I think this is somthing they have to look into because a lot of useres have the same problem it seems. I now shutdown vsldeaomon.exe via taskmanager before I shutdown the PC. When I do this I can keep controling the PC via my Euphonix MC over the network. When I froget this and shutdown I have to hardreset the PC to shutdown. I did not report this a an official bug because I don´t know where to do this on the the Vienna site.

    Gr Martijn

  • Yess , same Problem here. It says on the Mac OSX Activity Monitor " vsldeamon ( doesn´t react ) " . I have to quit it manually ! That bug appears on OSX Leopard 10.5.2 , Mac Pro 2,8 GHz 8 Core .

  •  Just installed VSL and Ensemble on 2 new machines (winxp64, shuttle xpc, 8g ram) one hangs the other doesnt..not sure if I updated both to 2870 but I thought I did...Like the previous user I 'vnc' to that computer so figuring out what caused the hang was a pain...but lo and behold it was "VSLDaemon"...tomm.  I'll check to make sure both versions are the same...either way I'll report back.

    all the best

  • Nope...they both hang on shutdown.  At this point I have to manually close VSL daemon before shutting down.  A real pain. 

    please fix soon

  • any word on whether this has been looked at and/or fixed?

  • sorry, i've been under the impression it has been posted already ... it's fixed, just intsall the latest version please


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.